I just finished reading
this. I'm not all that surprised. At the same time, I kinda am. I mean come on, worse off? Iraq is really worse off now then they were 3 years ago when Sadam was in power? Dang. Lands! That's just. . .so many things. Pathetic, Abominable, Shameful, Embarassing, Tragic, Embarassing, Horrible, Embarssing. Especially for GW. If I was GW I'd resign tommorow. Go back to managing losing baseball franchises. Think about it. If the Chief UN Weapons Inspector announced to the world that everything I had done in the last 3 years was not only a total waste of time but I had actually made Iraq worse off then it was when a mad conscious - free lunatic that tortured and killed his own people ran things - gees, I'd be wrecked. At the very least I'd take a day off. Giddy up on over to Camp David. Start that stamp collection I'd been itching to do for so long. Perhaps even write an apology note to the world.
Dear World,
I know I am the most powerful man in, well, the world, snicker, in fact with one barked drawl I could eliminate you, the reader of this letter. Snicker. I'm just messin with you dere cowboy. I wouldn't think of it. Anywho, where was I, oh yeah, I know I am the most powerful man in the world and I know that for the past 3 years I have made it a worse place but still, I read my bible every morning and that's gotta count for something, right? Anyways, sar ee.
Love, GW
Some of you may think I'm being a little unkind. Perhaps I am. Perhaps I don't know the whole story. I'm sure I don't. But the Chief seems to. So does the Body Count - 44,000 Iraqi Civilians, people like you and me, dead. Why? Went to buy apples on the wrong day.
So, what can the American people learn from this?
Vote Democrat? Nah, too simplistic.
Vote Repulican? Maybe. Just make sure this time we ask the candiate beforehand if he knows the difference between looking for Weapons of Mass destruction and being The Weapon of Mass destruction.
Don't Vote? Too cowardly.
What then? What are they to do?
Perhaps they should read.
They could start with 2 books. 1. Matthew. 2. History.
In Matthew they could read about an alternative way of building a kingdom. One that lasts not just for 4 years, or 8 depending if you get re-elected - but forever. One that isn't built on the backs of innocent Iraqis or anyone else -but rather one that is built on Love, respect, humilty and grace. If its a Kingdom the Americans want perhaps they should get a good King.
If Matthew doesn't do it for them perhaps they can brush up on their history by reading about other Kingdoms like theirs, Kingdoms that focused on power and control - Kingdoms like Rome and Russia and Egypt and ironically Iraq. Maybe after reading their stories and how those Invincible super power kindgoms fell - they'd take heed.
Do I hate the U.S.? Of course not, I'm an American myself. I've got Dual Citizenship so I'm the best kind. I'm powerful yet also witty and authentic. Ooo, just kidding.
Truth be told I love the U.S. I believe God has indeed blessed America and I'm sure he can't wait for the U.S. to start blessing others as well. Starting with Iraq.
I know I can't.
P.S. If you are an American I'm sure you're not part of the problem. So instead of getting offended get inspired and rally your friends to rally your government so next time they get the chance, wage peace instead of war. Waging war against a war lord makes another war lord. And war as you know, only begets war.