Saturday, October 07, 2006


I just read all your guyses blogs and wow, it may be cold outside but I'm sure toasty warm inside. I love you all. Group Hug.

Speaking of cheese I had it for lunch. Speaking of lunch, its over now which is why I can write my blog. Speaking of my blog. . .

In lieu of basically repeating my Inspiration Blog I am going to say I'm incredibly thankful for all the givens - Jesus. Angie, Maddison, Ethan, Lex, Hugo, Rusty, Not Jack, My parents - my dad just got a pacemaker put in last week and at 70 he is still teaching up a storm. Could a son be more in awe of his dad? My siblings. My friends, too many to list, yes I am that popular, just ask me. My health. I'm 30 but I still feel like I'm 18, except when I run. I'm sore after. Church. Without it I wouldn't have money which I am also thankful for. I like the people at church as well, even the pharasaical ones. They're kinda cool in a legalistic narrow minded way. Jk, their not. I mean just kidding there's not any I'm aware of. Um. .just kidding. Mayday!!

So yeh - those are my givens.

I thought I'd focus on the little things today. The things that at first read - seem shallow or even silly but without them life wouldn't be as sexy. Here's 10.

- Thick fuzzy socks. The kind that double as shoes.

- Oilers. Especially love when they extinguish the Flames.

- Coffee. Must be fair trade bodum quality or what's the point?

- Books. I can't stop reading. . .everything. Right now, The Creation and The Sea. (2 books)

- Kissing my wife. Shazaam. (on second thought perhaps this should have been higher up in the list, crap.)

- Drawer full of clean underwear.

- Hearing a good song on the radio.

- Lost. So glad its back.

- Peace and Quiet in the Bathroom

- Phone call or email from a good friend.

- Butterball Turkey. I think it may be a first for me. Growing up they were too expensive.

Give thanks to the Lord. His love endures forever.


P.S. So, there's 11. Be thankful there wasn't 12.

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