Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Rules Guy

I take the kids to swimming lessons on Friday mornings and quite enjoy it. I sit there on my plastic chair waving to three kids in three different areas of the pool. So basically always waving and smiling. Just stick me on a float and put a crown on my head. The best is when Ethan notices Maddie doing a front float and, knowing she hates getting her face wet, yells across the pool good job, Maddie while giving her a very enthusiastic thumbs up. That's pretty sweet. The instructors are all awesome with kids, even if one of them is covered in hickeys 50% of the time. Glad you had some good times, but, really....children. Children all around. But, of course, the kids think he's totally fun and perhaps a little clumsy. (bruises...get it?)

But I'll tell you what I don't like. Rules Guy. Very annoying. When I see him coming it's time to take cover. Dive behind all the good Moms who wouldn't even think of bringing coffee into the no food or beverage zone. Yes, Rules Guy, I forgot to take off my shoes. But they're clean, see? No, I didn't know 4 year olds can't play on the jungle gym. Guesse it's one of those 18+ jungle gyms that are so popular. I mean, I wouldn't want Alexa to bump into a padded wall or anything.

I shouldn't be too hard on Rules Guy, I know he's just doing his job. But would it hurt to have some semblence of a sense of humour? Perhaps downgrade the strut to a more casual, less intimidating gait? Maybe let the odd coffee slide? It is 9:00 am after all and I have no intentions whatsoever of darting over to the pool when no one's looking and dumping hazelnut coffee into the water. That would be wasteful. And inconsiderate. And in return, I will no longer pretend I don't see you coming and then make awkward and not funny jokes in my vain attempts to distract you from my travel mug. Deal?

Probably not.


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