Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Full of Great

This morning as I read through all your blogs something became abundantly clear. I hate my dog. "Master it's 5:30am and I have to peeeeeeeeeee." You do, do you? Here's an idea - how bout not drinking a gallon of toilet water the night before. Master's pee taste good Hugo? Take yourself to the bathroom.

As I continued to read another thing became clear - you're busy. I'm busy. Most of us haven't posted in a week, except for good ol dependable Timmy, he never takes a day off. Go Tim. And oh, wait, Aisling posted, so did Blair. . .about neckedness? Ha, nice one Blair. Actually J and Jeremy posted too. And Stacy. Joel too. Actually you should check Joel's out, you'll feel relaxed for a week. What was my point here? Oh yeah, none of you have posted.
I've made better points in my life...

Here's my suggestion for our Grid Blog this week. Turkey. . .Boil or Bake? Jk. Lets write about things we're thankful for. Lets count our blessings, heck lets name them one by one. Maybe we'll see what God has done? (Cheese alert)

I can't think of a more perfect way to start off the holiday weekend.

Btw - this isn't the Oscars, fill free to talk about God and your family all you want.

Lookee 4 Word 2 it,


P.S. I know, I didn't flush. Blame it on Meet the Fockers. "If its yellow, let it mellow, if its brown flush it down." Better for the environment, worse for Hugo.


Aisling said...
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chelsey said...

my grandma has that phrase beside the toilet paper dispenser in the bathroom in her cabin. hearing it again just takes me back.

Steve said...

Sorry but ALL of our blog pages pale in comparison to my wife's MySpace Blog. (Not just because of the Flames background, but because of the slide shows and added features the "My BlogSpot" does not have.

I think we should all switch to MySpace domains..............Aisling, instructions please..........

Aisling said...
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Kristi said...

We have joined the blog gridlog blog this week. Great idea!