Thursday, October 26, 2006

another day

So, yesterday was a day to remember. I'm not a superstitious girl (I don't think I can even spell it right), but I was starting to feel that it might be best for the world if I remained locked in my room, out of reach of breakable objects. It all started with our phone not working- at all. Our only phone. Won't be fixed until Friday. Fine. I get the kids ready for school but can't find the backpacks or lunch containers. Or lunch meat for sandwhiches (John....?) Well, that's fine, too. Nothing out of the ordinary. So, I'm late. Get stuck in construction on the way there and back. Ram into a construction sign 2 minutes from my house and shatter side mirror. Accidentally cut some guy off in the confusion, got the classic courtesy finger. Come home to make spice tea and drop cannister on tile floor- half an hour of cleaning up glass slivers. Finish that to find Hugo chewing on my razor- ouch! Dogs must have some kind of miracle rubber tongue or something, cause he's fine. My razor is not. That was all before 10 am. But after that things took on a more peaceful feel as Lex and I made a very tasty carrot cake, if I do say so myself, and, for the first time, roasted lamb (let me just say yum). As for having no phone? It's not so bad. I can say with great gladness that no one tried to sell me insurance I already have or offer to clean carpets that I don't. I'm sorry to say I can't find an up side to having to pay for another van repair- unless it's a greater appreciation of mirrors or something.

And today- I just got a parcel from our good friends in Brandon (thanks Brian and Charla!), which is fun in itself, but opened it to find three books that I am very excited to read. The Catcher in the Rye (it's been a long time, little book), Go Ask Alice, and the Liar's Club. It struck me that this might be a fun idea- some kind of book exchange or book something (I don't want to say club, because that makes so many people cringe, but that's basically what I mean. We could call it not-a-book-club-by-any-stretch). I would like this, and here's to hoping that someone, somewhere would agree. Or at least prefer it to something like Chinese water torture. No, that's not a threat. I'm totally unfamiliar with the ways of torture and it would signifigantly damage the dynamic of the book club, I mean book something.



Anonymous said...

I hope that you have had a MUCH better day today. That sounds awful! Looking forward to tomorrow! See you then.

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Today's been great, and yesterday morning felt so cursed it was actually quite funny.
Tomorrow will be alot of fun- 2 Halloween's in a week sounds great!


Kamara said...

pssst. ang. if you want someone to exchange books with, i'm in. i have a ton of books, too many to store, in fact. and for some reason i feel funny taking them to the salvation army or selling them to a used book place.
but i'd feel great about passing them off to a fellow book lover.

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

I think that would be alot of fun! But... now what? Here I was so proud of my idea, but I forgot to mention my sad lack of organizational skills. Maybe send eachother (and anyone else who likes the idea) a set # of books and as we read them we can post what we thought. Or just an exchange, no strings. That's about all I could come up with, but if you have other ideas I would love to here them. I just like the idea of reading some books I may not otherwise come across or think of reading. I guesse recommendations work as well, but that doesn't help your growing book problem much! Let me know think. I'm going to end this way too long comment now.
