Wednesday, October 18, 2006

family update

I'm loving this chilly weather! John's doing the lumberjack thing on Saturday, so it'll be a fire every day! The best is when he starts it before he leaves in the morning, because being honest, I have a pretty severe inability to start fires. The kids and I cheer every time we get a flame only to have it sputter out 30 seconds later. Perhaps this is an area I can grow in.

Ethan had his first soccer game this week, and I don't like to brag, but...5 goals. He was so excited because the last time he scored a goal was just hours before he broke his leg at the beginning of the summer. Next we're going to work on not shouting out the score every time your team goes up another point. Apparently that's frowned upon in U6.

Maddie's learning recorder- ahh, I remember recorder! I thought I was quite the big time musician. She's also doing a dispaly on inside the human body for the project fair. It's hard to believe we're already in this stage of parenting! Very fun, though!

With the kids in school one day a week Alexa and I have time together, just the two of us. Today we baked chocolate chip cookies and coloured. I really do enjoy colouring. Especially if the crayons are new. That's the best.

So, that's my quick kid update. Really planning on getting that camera cord soon so we can post pictures. Hugo's huge now and very handsome, I just think that's worthy of being posted as well.
Also he hasn't peed in the house in weeks, plus he can sit- down- stay. So what I'm saying is, he's very deserving.

That's it for family news, I guesse!



kristofher said...

i heard about the soccer prodigy in your family.
word has spread to regina.

Kristi said...

Great update! Good to hear all is going well!

Love Kristi