Monday, October 09, 2006


Yesterday was super cool. I had Butterball turkey. Oh my lands kabore, never had anything like that before. Ever. The best part of the Butterball is the idea. "Here at Butterball Inc. we don't think your thanksgiving turkey is greasy and fattening enough so we've taken the liberty of adding a pound of butter in hopes of making this holiday that much fatter." And boy am I thankful. Add a cup and a half of gravy and some mashies and gobble gobble ooo ah.
When I had eaten enough, enough meaning I could still breathe, I slunk away from the table, collapsed on the couch and fell asleep while NFL crunched in the background. When I woke up I did a mother load of dishes, ha double meaning, which enabled me to work up yet another appetite and before I knew it I was gobbling more. That caused a chain reaction which forced me to actually get some excercise and when I did gravy replaced sweat on my brow. Don't get me wrong, as lazy as the day sounded I also managed to play soccer with Ethan and later Hugo as well as take a walk with the family. Its just the gluttony I'm concerned about. Especially when I woke up this morning to find the homeless screaming in my kitchen. Front page of the paper. A beaten down woman and 3 innocent kids under 10 enjoying their thanksgiving on the street? Well they should work harder and avoid the drugs. True, although in this case it had nothing to do with those more "convenient" causes but more to do with the fact that Calgary has somehow managed to become too important for itself and now the only people who can afford to live here are those who bought a house 2 or more years ago or those willing to spend $1300 on rent, which for a big city sounds about right but not when last month it was $700 - for the same place. Which brings us back to our sweet family, spending thanksiving on the street along with 3000 others. I on the other hand laid moaning on my couch gulping down coffee trying to beat my turkey hangover.

What's wrong with this picture? I don't know. Is it wrong that I had a great thanksgiving and enjoyed some truly great food? I don't think so. But why do I feel so . . .greedy. So gluttonous. Like yesterday was all about Thanksgetting and not giving? What should I have done different?

Not sure. But I'm going to think on this more. Maybe its nothing. Maybe its everything.

Either way I have 3000 reasons to be thankful and I better not take any of them for granted.


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