Saturday, October 27, 2007


I just told someone I believe in Ghosts. And it wasn't my shrink. It was some anonymous ghost junkie doing a poll online. Some 33000 people agreed with me while another 37000 did not. I find it wierd that I said I believe. I didn't really think about it I just clicked yes I believe in ghosts. But now that I'm thinking, I'm not sure I do. I mean I might, but I might not.

I definitely did when I was 7 and the lights were off and I was alone. I remember feeling so scared I would lie still as a stone knowing even the slightest twitch would alert the ghost and he'd show me his face and I would die of a fear attack. This stone lie would last for a few minutes until I threw back the blankets and made the courageous dash to the light switch. Because Ghosts can't survive in the light, ok. The lights would come on and I'd immediately feel better - even brave -and before I knew it this light would guide me to a sleepfilled night. This went on for 8 years until I learned mind to Ghost combat. You're not a ghost, you're a chair. Ghosts don't have suits hanging over them John. Just try to kill me Ghost, I've got God on my side. I lived the next 16 years worry free until one day I clicked yes I do believe in Ghosts.

Psychologists always tell us that our gut reaction to any question is what we truly believe. So do I? Do I believe in Ghosts?

Crap, I don't know now. Do I?

Do you?



Buffy Close said...

I don't believe in ghosts - I do however believe that demons can masquerade as ghosts hence the psychics who appear to actually know things about you that they should not.

Anonymous said...

The Bible mentions someone (I think Samuel) talking to a ghost. Ahh God with the answer again.

Anonymous said...

I was close it was the ghost of Samuel talking to Saul (1 Samuel 28). Jesus also says that a ghost doesn't have flesh and bones in Luke 24:39

Anonymous said...

Maybe you don't believe in ghosts(?) but you do believe in bears scratching on a cabin wall just aching to get in and eat you!!