Saturday, July 07, 2007


Angie and I returned late last night from BC. We were melting along with Chelsey and 75 other Close/Roberts. 37 degrees??? Cmon Salmon Arm, who do you think you are, Phoenix? Anyways, what brought us all together was the passing of Marge Roberts, our mother, sister, grandmother, and Aunt.

I recently read -"you only have one life to live, but if you live it right, one is more than enough." Marge lived hers right. Not only did she raise 6 incredible children - all who have gone on to change the faces of churches across Western Canada, she worked for 20 years changing lives at Western Christian College. She was the kind of lady dreampt about in Proverbs 31. She was Bert's soul mate and my dad's best friend. 5 minutes after she died she stared into the face of God while Bert, her first born Blair and my dad stared back. My dad said she had a noticeable smile, her first in weeks.

I commented to Mark and Blair that Christians are wierd. There we all were, gathered at a funeral to mourn the loss of our Marge yet smiles could be seen and laughter could be heard. Even jokes were told. After the funeral, the entire family - all 65 of us, gathered at the local Chinese Eatery to celebrate. Celebrate? What is wrong with us? Marge died, could you pass the won tons please. But it wasn't like that. This is what Marge would have wanted, was said often. The tension between our grief and relief was obvious.

Christians are wierd. While millions mourn the loss of thier loved ones each year Christians celebrate knowing life has just begun. Grief is for us. We're sad for us. How could we feel sadness for Marge? She's exchanged chronic pain, for chronic joy. Her biggest concern now is who should she talk to first, Mother Theresa or Moses. And what should she ask God? Suppose she only is allowed 3 questions? How will she decide?

Were Mosquitos really necessary?
Will my family be ok without me?
Did you really help Justin Timberlake win his last grammy?
What makes you laugh?
Uh, hey, so, I have this nephew and he really want his Oilers to do well so I was wondering if. . .

I'll miss you Marge. And yes, I'll keep your grandsons in line.



chelsey said...

hey you beat me to the gridblog. mine's coming soon enough. i'm still here, melting away, but there are considerably less closes/roberts' around. it was good to hang out in person, i guess, if we had to.

Brian said...

Thanks for your words. We talked about her a bit last Sunday and it was much the same as you said here.

Ian said...

My condolences on the passing of your Aunt Marge. I'm glad that you were able to be there for the celebration of her life. She was a great lady.

Is there a guest book set up that people can send messages?

Aisling said...

Just got back from Manitoba, so we're a bit late with this, but our condolences. Glad you were able to celebrate her life with your family.