Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I was just telling Angie that she really needs to post something. After all, it is her turn but even more important- "Hugo's manleys" is the only topic you poor people have had to read for the past week. She said she can't because "she's too busy with other stuff " which makes sense because, I'm not busy either Ang, I'm especially not working fulltime plus trying to finish my Masters which includes starting a book report that's due tommorow, studying for a test I have next week as well as beginning a 20 page paper that's due next month. One thing for certain is I didn't just get home from a meeting and there's no way I was up at 6 this morning.
I know this much is true.

That being the case Angie, I want you to know that I don't consider equality with God something to be grasped, so I've taken the form of a servant and decided to blog today so you don't have to tommorow.

I know.

I love you to.



Anonymous said...

haha priceless

chelsey said...

i believe it's too. as in, "i love you too". you should fix it so that there is one less thing about this post that will tick off your wife... ;)

"I work hard and I'm busy and I don't have to post a blog every day if I don't want to! And another thing! You spelled too wrong!"

Anonymous said...

There are a list of Bond movies to choose from, so the 'Guess which movie' quote is a trick question. :)

Ryan said...

That title is misleading. I expect better next time.

Anonymous said...

It's funny, after John's last post I really began to wonder...where is Angie? Is she ever going to write again...please? No offense John (say something sarcastic about me and then I can respond - touche!) Hope

Anonymous said...

Just how comfy is that couch of yours Johnny?

Anonymous said...


John, could I get front-row tickets to the aftermath of this husbandly blog?! Wait.....let me get some popcorn first!

Would you at least let me set up a video-camera for when you receive your lashing?!