Saturday, September 30, 2006

tree huggers and suit wearers

There's nothing like a good laugh. Great de-stresser. Last night we were flipping through channels, which is not as fun as it sounds, and on newsworld they were doing a piece about a topless environmentalist who follows lumberjacks around saying things like I am Mother Earth. Feel my roots beneath your feet and other things that were funny and creepy and a smidge embarrassing. You gotta protect our planet from mankind's rampant destruction, I agree, but how about let's evaluate the effectiveness of doing it disrobed:
1) You're scaring the poor men who are just trying to do thier jobs, now while awkwardly averting thier eyes.
2) They secretly want to tell you to get lost, but they know it's best to avoid being caught on camera yelling at a feminist environmentalist poet. Now they're scared and angry.
3) They're concerned thier wives will turn on the TV one day and totally misunderstand. Now they're scared, angry and worried.
4) The few people who see this are going to sympathize with the guys and have some rather strong and laughter invoking impressions of you. It'll end there.

Doesn't sound like there's much chance for successfully saving our forests, but I could be wrong. I thought of sending a little advice her way. Something like you could always recycle. Or something. Do what you will. I was just thinking there may be more productive ways to save a tree.

Speaking of clothing (you like that?), there's been a little friendly banter going back and forth at our church. The whole you wear a suit, I wear jeans ha ha ha stuff. Except funnier than that. It just made me think of another thing I love about Maryvale. There's a good assortment of people. All kinds. And how we dress is just the surface of that. I wouldn't want a congregation full of people that thought the same- how would I be challenged? And I certainly wouldn't want a congregation where everyone dresses the same- how would I fit into that club? Diversity's a gift. It humbles us and broadens our so easily narrowed minds. Embrace eachother's differences as the fine lady above embraces a tree (although, preferably clothed- that's just common respect).



Steve said...

I prefer nude protestors, but that's just cause otherwise, I wouldn't pay attention, lol.

Just kidding, of course our household recycles....except diapers, that is too awkward with 3 boys....

Aisling's blog is interesting with all the swimming info.....Good educated blog. I am not a big fan of the sport, as you know, but am excited whenever Canada has medalling potential.

I also never knew someone could write a blog so long about the Edmonton Oilers.......mostly sounds like this...."blah blah blah, suck, blah blah blah, need out of this hole, blah blah" lol

Anonymous said...

i think it says in 3 corinthians 92:57-89 that 'thou shalt suit-eth up-eth for service-eth'.that was the KJV translation for those that didn't catch that.


John, Angie and the kiddos said...


There isn't 89 verses in chapter 92.

On another topic: How's bible college?


Anonymous said...

sorry john, i must of been thinking of melchizeteddekker or something. bible college is wierd. i am loving the reading and learning and all that. it's hard to suddenly be part of this kind of community again and find out how i fit in and where my role is. but overall, it beats the heck out of exploiting God for a living...
