Tuesday, June 20, 2006

solar system

We've been learning about the solar system with our schooling lately, which is quite fascinating. Did you know that Saturn is so light, if you put it in a large enough pool of water it would float? The kids are learning alot, especially once Ethan got through his inquisition on the sun. "If you took 112 ice cubes to the sun, would they melt?" "Oh yeah- they would melt." "WHOOOAAA!!!! What if you took a million ice cubes?" "Yep, they would definately melt." "OH MAN!!!!! What if you took Superman's special really cold fridge and it was full of ice cubes......". As you can see, this could go on and on- and it did. Ethan's leg is doing much better (did we mention it was broken?). The cast is off, but it's still quite weak. Maddie showed me her diary tonight: "Dear Diary- today Ethan got his cast off remember when he broke his leg on page 36 and 37? Well now he has it off! But it does feel strange for him. I wonder if he will be able to walk better. I hope he will!"
Don't worry, it's not a private diary. I just thought the grandparents would like a glimpse.
"Yes, Mr. Therapist, my mother published my diary on the internet!"