Wednesday, June 21, 2006

God in a Cab

Ever have one of those days where you feel like you have fallen off the good luck truck and landed in a pile of unlucky poop? Yesterday was one of those days for me. It all began when I decided that 8000km was pushing it and I really needed to get an oil change done on my van. I took it to my friendly neighborhood Wal Mart, gave them the keys (useless piece of information or clue to what's coming ahead? Hmm) and went back to work. At the end of the day I went to pick up my van and an hour later the entire staff were still looking for my keys, which they had lost. I was flabergasted and believe you me, I don't use that word lightly, or ever really. Seriously, what kind of auto shop loses your car keys? Its not like they specialize in like outdoor plumbing and do cars on the side - all they do is cars - so how the heck do they lose the keys??!?!?!? Anyways, so there I stood fuming. . . as I fumed a thought entered my mind, "Yo John, (apparently my thoughts are always spoken by someone from the hood) perhaps God is trying to show you something." Now listen, I am a Christian, hech, I'm even a preacher, but come on, I hate thoughts like that. Thier so. . . invasive. . . even when thier not from the hood. Well anyways, that stupid thought wouldn't leave me alone and before I knew it my head had sold out and it was nodding as if to say "yeh, for schizzle, it probably is God." That last quote was sponsored by Snoop Dog. What up dog. What up preacher. Well, they never did find my keys and so they offered me a cab. The last time I road in a cab was back in 1991 but that doesn't really count because I was also dreassed as a brazilian nun and asleep. Well, what could I do? I agreed to the cab and they agreed to pay for it and oh yeah to also find my keys. As I got into the cab the thought from the hood came back like an unstoppable reble force hell bent on ruining my day. My head resumed its nodding and before I knew it I felt God in a Cab. What does God in a Cab feel like John? It feels like a middle aged sikh with a really expensive fare. Huh?
So yeah, my cab driver was a Sikh. A Sikh is a follower of the Sikh religion, no way, that got its start in India 500 years ago and is essentially a reaction to the Caste system. The Sikh religion emphasizes equality of all people among other things. BTW - I wonder if they call people who are interested in thier religion "Sikhers." Giggle. Ahem. As we drove the man shared his faith and I shared what I do for a living. After a while the man turned to me and said "Now tell me about this Jesus of yours." Now I've been to Bible College, even Seminiary and they all trained me for moments such as these but when he said those 8 words my mind went blank and I think I said something to the effect of "I like cake." He stared at me blankly which gave me enough time beg God to "get me out of this mess he put me in" and before I knew it I was sharing my heart with this Cab driver. I spoke of the hope Jesus offers us, hope of a better life then the one we are living right now, I spoke of love and humility but mostly about my relationship with him and how it has changed my life. It was amazing. Almost like a church service. In fact, maybe it was because in the end I had to pay. But here's the coolest thing. As I got out of the cab, Gill, the cabbie, stopped me and asked for my phone number. I hesitated wondering if I had managed to find the only cabbie in Calgary that, well, you know, fancies the dudes, but God slapped me upside the head and I gave him the number. Apparently our conversation was an encouragement to him and judging by the look in his eye, I think it was just what he needed. In fact, judging by my pounding heart and tight throat, it was just what I needed too. As I walked away I felt that I had done more ministry in that 33 minute cab ride then months of "church work."

Imagine if I had chosen to fume instead. . . Thank God.


P.S. The van place just called, they found my keys. I guess God does have a handle on things.


Anonymous said...

after hearing that inspirational story, i think that the strawberries are indeed ripe in the dingle today. well done good sir.

Kristi said...

That was a great story john. I am proud of you and all you do for people. I love you.

Love from your sister,