Friday, June 23, 2006


I just finished a book that I thoroughly enjoyed, only to discover when I was done that it was classified as a teen book! Now, I like teens, I am after all married to a youth minister, but I opt to think that as I near 30, my reading material would be at a slightly more mature level. After a quick moment of self doubt and "is this some sort of early mid-life crisis" type questions, I came to the conclusion that there are some really good authors writing for young people now, as opposed to the Babysitters Club and Sweet Valley High of my younger days. The book is How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff and it's really very cool. John and I are also reading through the new Myths series and totally loving it. The first book is a general intro to myths by Karen Armstrong (who is fantastic) and different authors from around the world have been chosen to rewrite ancient myths in any way they choose. Margaret Atwood (I'm ashamed to say I haven't read her before this, but want to) is quite hilarious in The Penelopiad and Jeanette Winterson wrote Weight (about Heracles). I just have to mention a couple more books to keep you totally captivated (kidding. I'm recieving your telepathic messages as I write, "So, tell me, Angie, how do you spell boring? With a capital 'B', please." I'm almost done.). Fall on Your Knees by Anne Marie Macdonald (yes, it's an Oprah selection, so don't ask), A Fine Balance (beautiful and tragic) by Rohinton Mistry, and of course anything by Jane Austen, who is just so clever. I was also recently introduced to P.G. Wodehouse- honestly I couldn't even laugh, he was just that funny. The kind of funny you have to solemnly appreciate. Love Crime and Punishment. And when you're done that and want something light and adventuresome, David Liss is very entertaining. Ok, I'm going to stop now.
Hey- I'm just realizing that most of the above authors are Canadian- go Canada!
And female- go women!
And have the letter 'e' in their names- go letter e!


John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Actually, I like the Bible Ang. Sheesh.


Anonymous said...

i think boring should be spelt with more capitals than just the 'B'.

love your favourite,

Anonymous said...

and for those of us restricted to near cabin fever in the tiny drug ridden town of fort mac, boring in all capitals becomes good clean fun. Thanks for the book list!! Now - is really going to be kept in buisness *evil cackle*

As dorky as it sounds, this really made my day. You should see what seeing a butterfly does :D


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