Monday, November 19, 2007


Monday mornings rock my roll because I sleep in, wake to an empty house, then watch what Angie calls "stupid guy movies." I look forward to these few hours as its the only time in the week that I can turn off my brain and be. When it comes to the movie choice I usually go with something Angie loathes knowing it'll be my only chance.

Today I chose Rudy. Again. And cried. Again. Except this time much earlier. Usually my tears begin about the same time Rudy gets carried off the field although I've been known to cry earlier, like when he gets accepted into Notre Dame. This morning was an exception and I'm glad I was alone because 7 minutes in the tears began their descent. To be honest, I was kind of embarassed sitting on my couch all by my lonesome crying like a little girl, but there I was and I couldn't deny it. And I did nothing to try and stop it.

It turns out, there are many dudes who've had similar reactions. In fact, a survey was just completed asking men which movies they cried in the most and Rudy came out number one. No word yet how many of those men are straight. Jk. To be honest, it kind of felt good crying whilt snuggled up in my pj's and blanket with a fire roaring across the room. I felt free knowing no one would call or burst in the door with a smile and camera. So there I sat, for the entire 114 min allowing the tears to do their thing. By the time the movie ended my throat throbed and my mascara had run everywhere. Angie bounded in 8 minutes later but I timed it perfect and was in the shower, a perfect cover for weepy men.

Anyways, no religion and philosophy today. Just a grown man and his favorite movie.


P.S. The Five word blog. They are alive and well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That has to be one of the best movies made. I have to confess crying during it too. I got to be honest, I am glad to hear it's not just me who cries in it!!!
