Tuesday, November 07, 2006

two more recommendations

1) John and I are reading through this book by Marcus Borg called The Heart of Christianity. I think I mentioned it a few thousand years ago, but John finally informed me that he wasn't going to wait for the slowest reader in the world (that's me). It's very, very good. I've always felt a special kinship to the big M.B. (I'm sure he's cool with me calling him that). He was the first Christian author I read that didn't make me want to run away and join a circus. A circus for crazy I don't fit that mold people. I was going to write a brief summary, but brief would be impossible, plus I suck at summaries. I ramble. And I'm not done it yet. I'll stick to recommending the book to anyone who has some pretty intense questions about their faith and traditional views on Christianity.

2) I don't often watch TV that doesn't involve pressing play on our DVD player, but I did get to see some pretty hilarious Rick Mercer/Ralph Klien horse racing tonight. What a guy, that Rick Mercer. Clever, funny, Canadian. Not that being a clever, funny Yugoslavian would be any less impressive, I just like to cling to every proud of Canada moment I can. I was a smidge disheartened to read that Canada's tourism went down 4.1% last year because we're viewed as boring. Hello- I just wrote a very enthralling article on Christian books and CBC antics. Who exactly are they calling boring? I don't think they're aware of our easter egg. World's largest easter egg.

So, two recommendations- Heart of Christianity, Rick Mercer Report. The news tid bit was for free.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah rick is the man.
we are tight.
