Friday, February 08, 2008

Don't Recycle

Here's a story that'll put hair on your knuckles. The family and I were headed to small group last night and after stopping for coffees at Tim's we proceeded to the Safeway where I was hoping to engage in some much needed recycling. As we arrived, Angie said, "don't recycle, we don't have time anyways." The kids all chirped with agreeement and for whatever reason I actually listened to them and kept on driving. Seconds later 3 police cars came speeding towards us. "It's the recycling police" I said. I wish I had, but not even I'm that witty. What I did say was "whoo, maybe someone got murdered (I said murdered all scary like). The mature one in the car said the joke wasn't funny nor appropriate.

2 hours later we were driving home and as we passed the Safeway we saw that the Domo Gas Station, located right beside the recycling bins, was all taped off. We flipped on the news and discovered there had been a gang shooting at 6:30pm and 2 young men had been critically injured. 6:30pm. The exact same time I had planned to engage the family in some much needed recycling. I think about what could have been, and I'm thankful for my mature one.



Tim said...

Geez John - that is crazy. What's the saying - something like "but for grace go i?" That'll teach you to be environmentally friendly...

xblairx said...

i think that proves that global warming is a myth. anybody? okay, i'm famous for inappropriate jokes at inappropriate times...

that's nuts man. i'm glad you guys are okay. i know that too often i'm sarcastic on my responses, but i mean this with all my heart. God works in crazy ways to take care of those he loves. it doesn't always work out for the best, but i'm glad he was protecting you guys last night.

Buffy Close said...

I was just at those recycle bins - scary. And did you hear about the triple shooting earlier this week not far from our places? Scary...

Unknown said...

holy cow...that's mental!
i'm super glad you and your fam are ok!