Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Cynical Sarcastic Pessimistic fun

Realizations often suck. I guess they can be good and all but often its just me coming face to face with me and when that happens I don't always see a nice guy grinning back. Too many times its a cynical, sarcastic, pessimistic jerk. Now you all know this, you've just been too nice to say anything, and while I appreciate that, I still think its time I came clean. The truth is, I may have a problem.

My DISC profile says that I bleed red, meaning I'm an intense not afraid to confront kind of guy. It also says I pee yellow which means I love people to death and am very relational. I guess that's what keeps me from being a total spaz. Still, the red leaks too often. I see things that aren't right and I attack them without allowing my yellow stream to guide me. The worst part is often those things are people and I end up getting it all wrong.

This past Sunday I had the privelage of interviewing Henry Schorr. Hen, as I like to call him but don't because he doesn't have feathers or eggs, is the Senior Pastor for Centre Street Church right here in Calgary. The church is what you'd call a "Mega Church" meaning they have no idea how many people attend. Well, they have some idea, Henry says 7000 weekly and 11000 monthly which makes Centre Street the biggest Church of any kind in Canada. I needed to interview him for a paper I'm doing and he was gracious enough to give up an hour of his time. Ok, I'll be honest, the only reason I wanted to interview him was because 1. I wanted the perspective of a Mega church pastor to balance out my paper 2. I wanted to get the goods on what really goes on in a Mega Church. Tee hee, sneak sneak sneaky. The interview was last Sunday.

When I arrived he was still making his way through the crowds so I waited. . .and waited ended up waiting for 30 minutes but it worked out because I got a book idea: "Munch Munch. Tales from the Consumer Church." I hope it sells tons so the irony runs super thick.

Anyways, Pastor Henry finally showed up and directed me through the maze of cubicles to the Mahogony door securing his office. As I stepped inside there was a Gorilla scarfing down the day's communion crackers. Ok there wasn't but that would have been wierd hey? We began the interview even though my cynical, sarcastic, pessmistic arrogant mind already knew what his bull #?@??@# answers would be. Those answers never came.

As I sat, I listened as this humble, authentic, inspiring man told me of the cancer he had when he was 21 and again when he was 31. He said that cancer made his life great because it helped him see who God is. He told me how, when he was 18, he had the choice between taking over his father's multi million dollar company or becoming a middle to low class Pastor. He chose ministry because how could he ignore God's call in order to become a rich company man.

As he continued to share and as I continued to write I felt ashamed. This man was amazing, no wonder God had entrusted him with so much yet I had sat in my High Chair judging what I did not know and being cynical about things I did not understand. He added to my shame by sharing how he and his wife go on prayer retreats twice a year, just them, and how he takes off the entire summer so he can spend every last moment with his 4 boys. At this point I interjected and said "so is your schedule the rest of the year pretty crazy?" He responded no, he goes home at 5pm because family first right? Uh yeah, right. Wow.

As the interview drew to a close I asked him what he thought the church's social responsibilities were. I already knew what he was going to say. He began to tell me of a secret project he was working on with all the CEO's in the city and how he really shouldn't be sharing this but what the hell, he didn't say hell, I shouldn't have said hell, what the heck he said, I'll share it with you. He told me how they are hoping to buy a huge section of land where they will put a small town for the city's homeless. In this town the citizens will be healed of their addictions, taught life skills to exact change and most of all be given back their dignity . Uh. . .wow, that's pretty good, was all I could manage. Apparantly I had no idea what he was going to say. The mixture of shame and inspiration was too much at that point and the office was much too classy for me to lose it.

I stood up, shook his hand, thanked him for so many things and was on my way. As I strolled back to my car I was struck with the realization that God's kingdom is being built at and through Centre Street Church. 10000 don't attend there just because they have great entertainment, programs, worship, preaching etc. They attend there because they sense what I sensed, they're being led by a man of God.

Since that conversation, I've done a lot of thinking, praying, confessing. Most of all I've done a lot of realizing. God will build his kingdom wherever and with whoever he wants and who am I to stand with my arms crossed, eyes set, and shake my head.

The fact is, I too have been called. I too have a choice. And as much as fun as it is using my Red words to shame the you know who's - I think its time I put them away. That being said, I do think there is still a place for calling people or churches or society on stuff but I think first we must get to know the ones we are calling because we might just be judging the same ones God is using. And wouldn't that be shameful.



Anonymous said...

Good thoughts John - I love to criticize also... especially stuff I don't really know anything about, it's so easy. I've often thought that if we ever met most of the mega church guys face to face we'd likely find they were much different than we thought. That whole judging stuff Jesus talked about applies to my life in so many ways. So now that you've sold out to mega church what's next?

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Signing a huge book deal naturally.

Davis Family said...

A friend of mine (from work) was baptised at Centre Street and she asked me to attend. I was extremely impressed with what I saw there.

Besides when my pee is really yellow it usually means that I am taking vit. B. suppliments.


Anonymous said...

I love ya, buddy. I love that you won't settle; on yourself or anything. You will die with a question in your head won't you. Bravo!


Scrawney John Smith said...

In a way I'm glad you've determine to be less cynical. But in a way I'm not. I've always been too nice to be cynical. Far too nice. I need people like you to call people on stuff that I'll never see because I don't want to. Jesus called some people on stuff, y'know.
But I guess that didn't make Him totally cynical. I think it made Him focus His energies (ministry energies) on those who were genuine. Bartimaues, woman of Samaria, the Braid brand foot-washer, etc.
That sounded muddled, probably.
Don't come down too hard on me, John.
(Oh ya, you're not doing that anymore.)


Anonymous said...

Good for you, John. Best thing I've seen you write on here.

Anonymous said...

So the hen "gives up millions" to make zero money as a pastor? He can afford to "take summers off" and rub elbows with the cities CEO's.What a sacrifice to make golden eggs!!

You were not cynical, its called seeing things for what they are...the financially savvy leading the faithfully blind.

Still waiting for the "homeless city" announcement.You don't think developers are not drooling along with Hen about this prospect?

Do you think it is moral to build a "homeless city utopia" outside normal society for those whom society has failed? Ya just stick em all together and make um be center street jailed zombies... Yuck!

Big box convenience "starbucks" churches-the concept is sooooooo yukky!

I actually find this man's words to be kinda creepy and bet he is extremely manipulative if anyone dared to look deeper.

Sorry but that interview was shallow and self promotional.

John you are a deeper thinker...think outside the can do it!

Being impressed by big screens and multi media biblical teachings is like going to any big box store and being impressed with their material offerings...see the similarities all you spiritual consumers?

Anonymous said...

"10000 don't attend there just because they have great entertainment, programs, worship, preaching etc. They attend there because they sense what I sensed, they're being led by a man of God"

If ya say so John...
No they go there to get a lemon cranberry muffin and a cuppa joe, while watching the big tv's. Yes perhaps "a man of god" but who also happens to be selling all sorts of stuff including his life story.

Ya he gave up millions to turn around an build an empire on the backs of the faithful,lonely and marginalized believers.

Jesus did not prefer the big temples and did not believe in the tyranny of greedy leaders and governments.

This idea of a homeless city is 100% lunacy only found in Alberta thus far.