Friday, March 09, 2007


Hey everyone.

I need your help.

I'm doing a project for my Masters that involves interviewing 5 "seasoned pastors." I am supposed to come up with the interview questions myself and so far I've got about 37 which I hope to narrow down to about 15.

If you're still awake and would like to help here's what I need.

If you could ask your minister/pastor any question regarding his/her views on ministry or church, what would it be?

If I like your question I'll use it for my project/interviews and you can sleep peacefully knowing you helped me secure an A.

Please send all questions by next Monday. The more serious you take this the more helpful it will be. Thanks for participating.


P.S. How've you done on "guessing which movie?'


Craig,Leah,Lena said...

HAHAHAAAAA!!! you're a student AGAIN!! hahhhhaaaa!!!! good luck with that one...

Diane said...

I have met in my travels an orthodox priest who left his church to get a job as a nurse but continues to minister to a small congregation in the orthodox manner but not Ukranian or Greek or etc just orthodox. What would you ask him?