Sunday, February 18, 2007


We're back! We traveled there in a plane full of cheering excited kids and came home surrounded by sleeping, coughing, throwing up kids (mostly sleeping- and of ours only Alexa was coughing, so not too bad for a whirlwind trip to the big D). We had a blast, only one rainy day, very few line ups (except for that last day where the entire world decided to show up) and of course there's churros. Yum. We tried to download some pics to Frickr, I mean Flickr, and some how ended up erasing 45 (oh, did I say we, cause I meant John. John accidentally erased 45 pictures. We're still married.) Ah well, there's still 235 left and we'll be looking forward to your feed back on each and every one of them. When we figure out a few things. We're computer morons.



Brian said...

I've been on every hour just waiting for your return. Hi. Welcome home. We've been puking too, and more.

I checked out flickr, but only saw a couple of dogs in the snow. I'll check back later.

Hope you can have a day or so at home to gather yourselves.

Nic said...

i wish i went to disney land, or world, or island, or whatever it is?

flickr sucks. move to bigger and better.
think about it.

Laurie said...

How fun! Sorry to hear you came home sick! But isn't Disneyland awesome! :)

Looking forward to seeing pics