Monday, January 01, 2007

what to do, what to do...

Kids seem to have a few things going for them, namely no bills and all play. But also, they know themselves better than most adults ever will. We were talking to our Sunday school teacher who was laughing (or crying, I can't remember) at Alexa's inability to keep focused during class time, so she tried giving her some crayons and paper thinking that she would never have the attention span to stick with it. Well, apparently that's the only thing that keeps little Lex's attention, which didn't surprise me because she always says she wants to be an artist. This will probably evolve into other interests and eventually lead into what she decides to do as an adult, I just hope that all our kids can know themselves as well then as they do now. I don't think I do, and I know many of my friends wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they had a spare moment to do whatever they wanted (c'mon, guys- chores and TV doesn't count). I think about the next couple years when we look into schooling options for the kids, which means job options for me, and it's kind of scary. I feel like the little kid that's trying to decide if she wants to be a ballerina or an astronaut when she grows up, although I've ruled out all things ballet (collective sigh of relief- I heard it). I'm 30, so I should know what I want to do with my life, but I really, really don't. I've basically got it narrowed down to anything that doesn't involve cheerfully wishing hundreds of shoppers a nice day as I hand out yellow happy face stickers. Plus I can't imagine myself in the corporate world at all. Or cleaning up after people. Or giving rehearsed sales pitches. Someone said I look like a librarian (which I did not take as a compliment) and I do love books, but everyone at the library that I've come across seems to be stressed out or bitter. Of course this could be because of our late returns and accidentally forgetting our library card on occassion. Shoot. Well, back to the drawing board of life for me.



Aisling said...

I worked at that place for 5 years (early '90's) and on occasion, was asked to cheerfully wish shoppers a good day and hand out yellow happy face stickers. I didn't turn out too bad! :o)

p.s: Happy New Year!

Jordan said...


I think you've got a knack for writing. Have ever considered pursuing that?

Anonymous said...

Angie- I stayed awake last night for a good couple hours thinking about EXACTLY the same things! I hate it! I have no idea what I will do either. Do I seriously have to run a household AND become something else besides? Education at this point would be difficult, to say the least, and everything else pays too little to even consider. What to do is right! If you come up with something PLEASE, let me know!

Anonymous said...

Guess I should qualify what I said before by saying that I already babysit almost full time and do 7-10 hrs a week of paper work for my brother's business, maybe this is why I feel so stressed about finding the time to "become" something else besides. These are great things to do at home but babysitting is not going to be my career even though I know it is really a worthwhile thing and can be pretty lucrative. I guess I also consider sanity worthwhile!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that was me before...

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Yep- pretty much the same boat! Except I don't babysit or do paper work, so I'm in the lazy part of the boat. It's alot of pressure, though. There's so much I would love to do that hardly pays anything, but there's that whole contribute to the household income pressure. From myself, that is. And the fact that I don't live in the 50s, which apparently had it's perks (kidding). Let me know what you come up with, though- there's got to be something!


Anonymous said...

Writing, Angie, writing. Your brother knows you best. You should call the Herald and any other worthwhile papers/magazines - that is a definite talent that you have.


Anonymous said...

For the record, I would not consider homeschooling my kids anything close to lazy! That is an incredible job. I agree that you have fantastic writing skills. Who knows...