Wednesday, December 13, 2006

You don't say....

Just a quick little brag:

* Maddie participated in her school's Science fair and spelling bee and did awesome! She's too young to officially qualify, but still made it to the last round of the spelling bee with all the big kids (top 4 out of 20)

* John, or Mr. Famous, whatever, is going to go national tomorrow with Dan Keeran on Canada AM, 6:05 MST for those that are interested. If anything, watch it so you can make fun of the fact that he has to wear make up for the interview.

* And most amazing of all, I painted a good portion of the house (3 coats) all by myself yesterday while shooing away 3 kids, 2 cats and a very rambunctious dog.

Humbly yours,

the Closes


Anonymous said...

Hey lamborghini guy..

I was still trying to explain to my wife what you were like. Thanks for pulling something classic and helping me with that! On a serious note, well done.


Craig,Leah,Lena said...

what the heck? john on tv? with make-up?!?! hasn't happend since musical (we hope!)
hope you taped it...