Wednesday, November 29, 2006

An Incovenient Blog

Last night Ang (by the way her name is pronounced ANJ, not ANG, like tang and yes Ang is short for Angie, just in case you were confused or even laughing at my wife's rather awkward name) - anways, last night AnJ and I watched one of the more moving documentaries we've seen in a long long time - An Inconvenient Truth.

Now I pride myself on being a bit of an environmentalist, you know I recycle, make E friendly shopping choices, use transit as much as possible, let the yellow mellow and flush the brown down (too much information John) in fact I even buy recycled toilet paper which come to think of it. . .what is that? Do I even want to know what that is? Recycled doesn't mean already used, does it? Actually that's precisely what it means John. Right. Hmm. Well. Hmm. Right.

Well anways, on top of my E shopping I also figured I understood this whole Global warming thing. Earth's getting warmer. I got it. Yeah right I did.

This documentary moved both Ang and I to tears as we realized, perhaps even for the first time, how quickly we are destroying our planet. Yes we. I'm not going to bore you with all the facts, plus I want you to see it but I will say this.

If we do not change the way we live, millions of lives will be lost in the next 50 years. Now I realize I sound like a sensationalist or worse, hugger of trees, but trust me, I am not. I prefer hugging my wife, she's softer and much more, well lets just leave it at that. Is it hot in here? Anyways, as Roger Ebert said "you owe it to yourself to see this film."

Please watch it then join with us as we take steps to insure that Earth remains a good place to live for our children and theirs.



Jordan said...

Come on, John, don't you realize this whole "global warming" thing is just a liberal conspiracy? The Jews, the feminists, the homosexuals, and the ACLU are all trying to trick you into not buying an SUV, and therefore not having 12 kids (you don't want to destroy the "traditional nuclear family", do you?), and therefore not going to Heaven with Ronald Reagan, G.W. Bush, and Pat Robertson.

Besides, even if we are destroying the planet, won't that just hasten the return of Baby Jesus? ;-)

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Speaking of: Having you seen Borg's new book on Jesus. I got it and the first 2 pages are sweet. Looking forward to reading the next 200 and some.


Jordan said...

I didn't even know about it. Gotta love Borg, although I'll probably wait for the paperback.

Anonymous said...

that movie was fascinating, scary, and angering all at once. i think more christians need to concern themselves with taking care of God's earth. sadly, what jordan said is the true opinion of many christians today.


dave said...

if trees are so tough (oooh, they produce oxygen), let them save themselves.

blair dropped out of bible college, that's all i'm saying.

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Hey Dave, here's a thought.

Write on your own blog for a change. Geeeeeeeeeeeessssss.



dave said...

hey john,
this al gore stuff is cool and all, but you need to deal with the more pressing issue at hand.

blair "28 comments" roberts just sunk an e-3 pointer right in your face.