Tuesday, September 12, 2006

looking up

Well, things are looking up. I'm mostly through with hacking like a 90 year old smoker thanks to the miracle of antibiotics (just doing my part to create that unstoppable super bug!). Our van should be ready tomorrow, so we can laugh and nudge eachother knowingly at all the fond memories of being stranded on Calgary's busiest intersections (that's right, 4 times) and relive all those moments of who should we call? no, we called them yesterday. but so and so lives too far away. are we needy friends? yeah, pretty much. NEEDY. Also, although I'm not thrilled that we had to pour embarrassingly large amounts of money into our van, the timing was what saved us as we had just remortgaged to finish our basement. A second bathroom would be a thing of beauty for this mom who hasn't had a shower without a steady stream of I have to pee! ...or worse. But another beautiful thing is having a running vehicle. Is beautiful a strong word? Trust me, it's not.
So, theme chant for the week: Hoorah for vans! Who needs basements! Goodbye bronchial infections!
It'll catch on....


Aisling said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better. Missed ya on Sunday. As for the van, what would life be if we didn't have a vehicle to swear at every now & then. And always remember...you can call us if you get stranded or need anything. Distance is nothing. Unless you're in Saskatchewan or something ;o)

Anonymous said...

hey don't knock 90 year old smokers. i plan to be one someday.


Anonymous said...

Go Cocks!!!