Friday, September 22, 2006

fall weekend

John is gone for another weekend- camping in below zero temperatures, poor guy. He made me promise not to watch Arrested Development while he was gone, but I'm wondering if that was a promise I should have skillfully avoided. When he said seriously, don't watch Arrested Development I could have dropped my mug of coffee or pretended to choke. But no, I said yeah, yeah, of course I wouldn't watch it without you. Now here I am remembering Gob's segway and George Micheal in the Banana Stand. Beckoning.

Tomorrow is the first day of Autumn- my favourite time of year! The kids and I are going to walk to our friendly neighbourhood Superstore to buy mini pumpkins and other fall- like items for our table. The plan is to find pretty leaves on our way, but I'm guessing busy intersections and gas stations aren't abundant in the fruits of nature. And, this is sad- last year whenever I ran outside to listen to the geese flying overhead I couldn't even hear them because of the traffic! I love the sound of geese flying south! Crazy growing city.

So, apparently my life is pretty tough with all the tv decision making and not hearing the calls of large fowl. I just take it one day at a time.
Happy Fall!


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