Wednesday, August 16, 2006

church girl

Ah, being a Christian. I think it's good to ask ourselves why every once in a while. I can answer for why I follow Christ, which I suppose is the definition of Christian, although not neccessarily what we're known for. But the title "Christian" has taken on a whole new meaning for a lot of people, and sadly, not a very positive one. I wish they could see what I see as a member of a flawed, but loving group of people. I'm not a Christian because we're totally up and relevant on all the social issues (let's be honest- people started actively fighting for women's rights over 100 years ago, and within our church circles we're considered liberal because we allow women to pass communion trays!). I'm not a Christian because Christian music rocks (it rarely does). I'm not a Christian because I love to cause a ruckus when any of the following are mentioned in school or are a minor subplot in a movie: safe sex for teens, evolution, homosexuality, divorce, or anything to do with witches (because they're evil, that's why). I'm not a Christian because I have all the answers and will enlighten you with them if you're lucky. I'm not a Christian because the fish symbol is so pretty and if I have one on my bumper I'll go to heaven. I'm not a Christian because I like to guilt, argue, woo and manipulate people into being a Christian just like me. I think this is often how we're seen, and I was being gentle. Unfortunately, what isn't so visible to those outside our church is: buying a fixer-upper and having 30 people show up to help fix it - upper(ha). Being a part of a small group that wrestles with how to help people in our communities with the gifts we have. Seeing others searching for an authentic faith as you yourself are striving for. Being humbled by sitting with someone on Sunday whose doctrinal stance looks quite different than your own, but who exhibits a compassion that you could only hope to aspire to. Being encouraged by the strength and faith of people who lose loved ones or have cancer, and being a part of a church that rallies around them. Being needed, and sometimes needing help yourself. It's an imperfect community, but who needs perfect- it's so over rated.
A (my new signature- Ang takes way too long)