Sunday, July 02, 2006

Why we fight

Angie and I just finished watching one of the most eye opening documentaries since sliced bread. The "sliced bread" analogy doesn't always work. I have no idea what your opinion of war is but I tend to think its a luxury of the powerful. War sucks, and those who get involved often end up becoming suckers. (see Vietnam, Kuwait, Jerry Springer) I also have no idea what your opinon of "The war in Iraq" is but I tend to think its not about quelling terror or extending freedom as reported daily by Chicken Noodle News (CNN)

To be honest, I pulled a Moses 3 years ago and tried to give a Bush the benefit of the doubt. Truly I did. It did seem odd at the time though, Bush blaming Iraq for 911, but then again I was just as upset as everyone else and somebody had to pay, right? Also, Bush seemed to value some good things - freedom, justice, baseball. He also seemed to look down on murder, bloodshed, terror, which you know, so did I. So, I called him one night and said, "ok GW, lets do it. Lets bomb those devils." To which he replied "Snicker. Snort. When I owned the Texas Rangers I sometimes would wander into the lockeroom after a game and all dem players would be stark necked." Snort. Snicker.

Well, here we are, 3 years later, and we're still in Iraq, markets are still being blown up, big bad weapons are still not found and well, not much has really changed it seems. Sadam's out. Bush is in. Yet people are still dying. Have we spread freedom, or corpses?

Call me Jaded, call me Michael Moore's secret admirer, call me collect, but I just didn't have a good feeling about the War on Terror as I sat down with my coffee tonight to watch a documentary on this very subject called "Why we fight" along with my wife Angie who often spends the evening with me because we're married and that's the law." (John man, we really could have used a comma in the second part!" - Words in last sentence)

Now I'll be honest, I've seen Moore's stuff and the man gots skillz for making people look retarded, including himself, but in spite of his obvious agenda inevitably I would always still manage to get worked up to the point where I would be renouncing my dual citizenship and claiming the U.S. really stood for Under Satan. Don't worry though, I don't really think that. I was just upset at the time. Like you never get upset.

Anyways I've rambled on enough but I'm happy to say that Why we Fight blew me away. Blew Angie away too. As we watched, I couldn't help but be drawn in because it wasn't as concerned with proving a point as it was with just simply reporting. Both sides were represented, and although some interviewees were obviously jaded, in the end I felt as though I had seen one of the most balanced presentations on the U.S. and its motives for war that I think I'll ever see.

The U.S. promised IRAQ shock and awe. I promise you the same.


John (and Ang, who didn't write this but happily agrees with my sentiments, unlike a previous post, which I though was Super :))


Jordan said...

I'll have to check it out. Here's a recommendation if you're feeling like another depressing documentary about U.S. imperialism: The Fog of War

Anonymous said...

I love that movie!!! I have always enjoyed movies that kids found "boring" but it's really really good. I belive the guy who narrates through The Fog Of War was actually really really involved with the wars.

Jordan you're my fave :)


Anonymous said...

maybe george bush is reading Lamentations 4:9. it's better to kill them than let them starve. oh wow. that was an awful awful thing to say. i should take that back...i really should. maybe next time.

Anonymous said...

maybe george bush is reading Lamentations 4:9. it's better to kill them than let them starve. oh wow. that was an awful awful thing to say. i should take that back...i really should. maybe next time.