Saturday, December 22, 2007

One crappy day part deux

I got into an accident yesterday. Just one day after all things Crappy, a 20yr old with a 2008 Nissan thought it would be prudent to turn in front of me while I drove the preacher's kid to the mall. I barely had time to react so I stamped the brake, swerved to the right then refrained from introducing the boss's youngest to new words. I know cuz I asked her after. "So, when we were about to crash did I happen to say f. . .No? Excellent."

Nanoseconds after not swearing I plowed into Mr Altima rendering both our 2008's 911 worthy. As the cop drove away an hour later he wished me a Merry Christmas. I thought it curious.
2 cops, 2 days , 2 Merry Christmas's wished. I'm trying friends in blue.


P.S. Stuff like this is helping. Oh, no one was injured btw. Although my poor Matrix will be in Shop Class for a month.


Brian said...

If it makes you feel any better. I broke a fingernail.

Ian said...

I hope that 2008 goes better for Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year.