Thursday, August 16, 2007

10 years ago

10 years ago today I married the only woman who said yes when I asked her to marry me. Angela Fern Ellis is the greatest thing to happen to me and no words can describe one so lovely as her. Still, I'm gonna try cause words is all I got.

I met Angie in the Fall of 95. At the time I was single and thought I had seen all WCC had to offer. That sounds a lot worse than I meant it. I guess that's why when I saw Angie for the first time I was intrigued. Who is this girl that nobody knows? I spent my entire life growing up at WCC and I knew everybody including everybody's parents and grandparents. I didn't know Angie though, she was an outsider to the ways of the WCC and I liked that. A lot.

Over the next few weeks I did everything to get Angie to notice me. I ran fast, shot out my best zingers in class and even shared my Jalepeno/Cheddar chips. Apparently it worked because before I knew it she was sitting beside me every Thursday night in Psychology class. As interesting as the class was *cough, gag* I took my chances studying Angie instead. We would write notes back and forth and back and forth and back and - you get the picture. For 3 hours we did this, it was great. In fact, it was crucial. Without it, I might just be writing about someone else. That sounds a lot worse than I meant it.

October rolled around and the College announced we'd be taking a trip to Abilene, Texas for the World Mission Workshop. I signed up right away and soon discovered Angie had signed up too. 24 hours in the van for two days straight pretty much cemented our relationship. We talked nonstop about everything and anything and by the time we arrived in Texas we were in love. We attended all the same sessions and although I'm sure they were terrific all I can remember is my fluttering heart, sweaty palms and dry mouth. On the way back to Dauphin I held her hand for the first time and our relationship became official. Halloween morning, 1995.

Over the next year our relationship grew and by the next October we had signed up to attend the next WMW trip. Its a good thing we did because I asked her to spend the rest of her life with me on that trip. I was a starving student so I gave her a ring compliments of those .25 machines in Walmart. (Later I cashed my entire A&W paycheque and gave her a real one.)
I even got down on one knee and she cried and I know it sounds really romantic but it kinda wasn't, ha ha, another story for another time. The important thing is she said yes and I said "really?" Ha Ha.

Fast forward 10 months and there we were in the nicest church in Dauphin waiting to get married. I remember walking in wondering why nobody had stood for me, just kidding, and then standing on the stage awaiting my bride. That's the longest wait I've ever had. It kinda sucks having to wait as five other girls walk down the aisle first. Five girls I have no interest in marrying. That sounds a lot worse than I meant. . .actually no, I did mean it that way. I think the girls should just come in the back or be lowered in from the roof or something. Save the aisle for the bride.

Anyways, the moment finally arrived. The doors to the church opened letting in sunlight and doves, ok no doves but there should have been, and then in walked the most beautiful sight these eyes have ever seen. I still tear up as I remember this angel in white coming towards me. I remember crying without my permission. I couldn't help it. She was enchanting. She was mine. And she always would be.

I have told Angie many times that she is everything I always wanted but didn't know it at the time. She has always exceeded any and all expectations of mine adding to the profound gratefulness I feel because of her. Many times I shake my head wondering what she sees in a gas filled silly boy like me. I've ruled out money and good looks.

In many ways our first decade of marriage was more about me and my life then hers. After all it was I who went to school and it was I who moved the family to Calgary to take the job I was given. As I look towards our second decade I see a change. I see myself stepping back as Angie steps forward. I see myself flickering in the background as Angie shines bright. I see a man supporting his wife as she deserves to be supported. I see a husband overwhelmed with pride for a woman who's mmm so good.

Without Angie I would be lost. Unbearably lost. She holds me together and keeps me there.

I love her more than words. . . plus she's incredibly sexy. Smoking hot really.

That sounds just like I meant it.

Happy Anniversary babes.



Anonymous said...

GO Bombers!!!

I mean, nice, real nice. How does this copy & paste thing work again?

Kidding, 11 for us tomorrow, but I'll keep my rant for my wife, lol.

Happy Anniversary Closes....


Aisling said...

Happy 10th you guys!! Have an awesome day...

Great to see you last weekend. Let's do it again soon, ok!


Buffy Close said...

Forget Hallmark movies of the week - I got my monthly happy teary eyes off that one.

Shauna Mae said...

Aww, congrats!

Brian said...

I remember that summer. That's 10 for you, me, Jenn and Jeff, and anyone else?


Nicole Whaley said...

Congratulations! I remember that fall and hanging out with Angi. And I remember that trip to ACU it was on that same trip, at ACU - that I met the man who would be my husband...but we had to wait years!!!! Who would have thought. Good times.
Congats, again. -- Nicole

Craig,Leah,Lena said...

well done, Johnny. i remember that day too - i just had the 'birds' eye view' up in the balcony - playing the most magestic organ piece you'll ever hear - on a keyboard that had switched settings letting out a few 'tink, tink, tink-tinks!' ahhhhh, we're still friends, so i'm thankful for that!