Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I just finished reading this. I'm not all that surprised. At the same time, I kinda am. I mean come on, worse off? Iraq is really worse off now then they were 3 years ago when Sadam was in power? Dang. Lands! That's just. . .so many things. Pathetic, Abominable, Shameful, Embarassing, Tragic, Embarassing, Horrible, Embarssing. Especially for GW. If I was GW I'd resign tommorow. Go back to managing losing baseball franchises. Think about it. If the Chief UN Weapons Inspector announced to the world that everything I had done in the last 3 years was not only a total waste of time but I had actually made Iraq worse off then it was when a mad conscious - free lunatic that tortured and killed his own people ran things - gees, I'd be wrecked. At the very least I'd take a day off. Giddy up on over to Camp David. Start that stamp collection I'd been itching to do for so long. Perhaps even write an apology note to the world.

Dear World,

I know I am the most powerful man in, well, the world, snicker, in fact with one barked drawl I could eliminate you, the reader of this letter. Snicker. I'm just messin with you dere cowboy. I wouldn't think of it. Anywho, where was I, oh yeah, I know I am the most powerful man in the world and I know that for the past 3 years I have made it a worse place but still, I read my bible every morning and that's gotta count for something, right? Anyways, sar ee.

Love, GW

Some of you may think I'm being a little unkind. Perhaps I am. Perhaps I don't know the whole story. I'm sure I don't. But the Chief seems to. So does the Body Count - 44,000 Iraqi Civilians, people like you and me, dead. Why? Went to buy apples on the wrong day.

So, what can the American people learn from this?

Vote Democrat? Nah, too simplistic.

Vote Repulican? Maybe. Just make sure this time we ask the candiate beforehand if he knows the difference between looking for Weapons of Mass destruction and being The Weapon of Mass destruction.

Don't Vote? Too cowardly.

What then? What are they to do?


Perhaps they should read.

They could start with 2 books. 1. Matthew. 2. History.

In Matthew they could read about an alternative way of building a kingdom. One that lasts not just for 4 years, or 8 depending if you get re-elected - but forever. One that isn't built on the backs of innocent Iraqis or anyone else -but rather one that is built on Love, respect, humilty and grace. If its a Kingdom the Americans want perhaps they should get a good King.

If Matthew doesn't do it for them perhaps they can brush up on their history by reading about other Kingdoms like theirs, Kingdoms that focused on power and control - Kingdoms like Rome and Russia and Egypt and ironically Iraq. Maybe after reading their stories and how those Invincible super power kindgoms fell - they'd take heed.

Do I hate the U.S.? Of course not, I'm an American myself. I've got Dual Citizenship so I'm the best kind. I'm powerful yet also witty and authentic. Ooo, just kidding.

Truth be told I love the U.S. I believe God has indeed blessed America and I'm sure he can't wait for the U.S. to start blessing others as well. Starting with Iraq.

I know I can't.


P.S. If you are an American I'm sure you're not part of the problem. So instead of getting offended get inspired and rally your friends to rally your government so next time they get the chance, wage peace instead of war. Waging war against a war lord makes another war lord. And war as you know, only begets war.


Anonymous said...

Man that was terribly one-sided jibberish.

You can believe what you want in the media, I am sure many people will spin it the other way, and probably alrady have.

However, what I know as facts are as follows; 1. Saddam was a mad-man and behind the 'peaceful' and 'rich' symbolism in Baghdad during his rule was mass murder of innocent Kurds. 2. Females are now attending school, obtaining an education that was forbidden to them in several areas of Iraq. 3. The oil money, which you will argue is now the only real concern of the US, and somewhat under their influence now, was previously used to help finance terrorists and Taliban in other countries. (Just because there were no weapons found there does not mean Sadaam wasn't placing them Afghanistan.

In regards to the lives lost, this is mostly due to terrorist Iraqis, killing there own while 'buying apples', or blowing up schools where, heaven forbid, women are learning.

There is no winner in this conflict. But what I do believe as right and just is not sitting by idly while dictators across the oceans anialate innocent civilians or take away liberties which we North Americans take for granted.

John, I know you think some of your blogs are funny, or try to make them so. Despite these efforts, you are making light of serious bloodshed on all sides. Bush is no saint, no genius, but at least he has the nuts to do something about the injustice outside his back yard. Does he pick and choose when and where to intervene? He sure does, otherwise he wouldn't have enough man power to do anything anywhere!

Be thankful you live next to a country that will not stand by idly as, heaven forbid, Canada is attacked by some lunatic like Sadaam or Osama.

I will not go on further about 9/11 and the innocent babes killed by lunatic extremists, or other terrorist examples.

Use your head and do not provide such ignorance on your blogs..seriously....and I will assume this comment will be deleted, but at least YOU read it.

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

I will not delete this - everyone is entitled to their opinion. I stand by mine, you may stand by yours. Although without a name, its not an opinion, its just well. . not worth anyone's time.
Email me and tell me who you are then we can talk about this further. I signed my name.


Anonymous said...

My name is Anony Mous, just like voting, it's still an opinion, an anonymous one.

However much of what I said is fact, not opinion.......

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Ha. Ha. Ok.


John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Ouch guys. Although I personally find John's blogs quite hilarious, this is a place where people are welcome to disagree- it's happened before and I'm sure will happen again. Personally, I would find it a waste of my time to read someone else's blog that was one sided jibberish and also not funny. That sounds pretty awful, actually. Perhaps you can check out some of our links- may be a better use of your time. And, just a sidenote, let's not confuse 9/11 with the war in Iraq- surely you're aware that those two atrocities have nothing to do with eachother.


Anonymous said...

You have to expect harsh disagreement to a blog like this. It is definitely one-sided, your opinion, your view, so there's going to be people from the other side who state their opinion too. And a nameless person is still entitled to that opinion.

I will state for the record that I disagree with the statement that 9/11 and the Gulf War are totally unrelated. The link may not be obvious, however, IN MY OPINON, I believe there is a connection somewhere between Hussein and Bin Laden.


Anonymous said...


Oops, I meant the current Iraq war, not the Gulf war...


John, Angie and the kiddos said...

I did expect it. That's what blogs are for. Dialogue. What I object to is nameless faceless opinions. It comes across as cowardice. If its your believe, shouldn't you back it with your name?

Anyways, thanks for your comments Beth. Re: Hussein and Bin Laden - ultimately none of us know.


Anonymous said...

1. Next time you vote, do it in front of everyone.

2. If you think that Sadaam had nothing to do with a number of terrorist acts against America, (directly or indirectly via financing or harboring terrorists), you are more naive than thought.

3. I totally agree with Beth.


Anony Mous

jerms said...

funny. i was going to blog that same article when i read it at work today. crazy stuff. its nice to get a different side from the media...that is, one that is not in total support of the iraq situation. i must say, i agree with Hans.

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

1. Hey everyone. I voted Green.

2. Wait a second. Wasn't Sadamm caught almost 3 years ago? My blog wasn't about Sadamm, it was about the fact that 3 years later the U.S. is still in IRAQ doing. . .what? If you think that the U.S. invaded Iraq just for Sadamm, you my friend are more naive then I thought.

3. I think Beth is pretty cool too.


Anonymous said...

1. Hey everybody, John wasted his vote.

2. I know the war was more than just about getting Sadaam. It was about establishing a free society in one that was a dictatorship, one that allowed for the massacre of thousands of innocent civillians. A war that is taking far too long, agreed. Again, due to the insurgents killing their own people due to a distorted, radical religious view. IF you think the world would be a better place without UN, Canadian, and US forces in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, then you must like dead people and the masacre of innocent people. Would you honestly feel better with just 'minding our own business'?!

How un-christian.

John, Angie and the kiddos said...


For the record I prefer living people. Always have. Easier to talk with.

Here's my question and hear me out, please try and have an open mind on this one.

Don't you find it the least bit ironic that the U.S. has no problem minding its own business when hundreds of thousands of Rwandans were slaughtering each other, and now again in Darfur, countries worse of economically then just about anyone but when it comes to Iraq, a country among the richest, the U.S. decides to sets its sights there?

I find that to be quite the coincidence.


Anonymous said...

Came across this blog at random (seems to be a lot of blogs about Iraq these days - Do a search on Blogger to see what I mean). Doesn't seem to be a lot of respect for each other's opinions. That's definitely not a Christian characteristic. Lack of respect.

Just a thought on something else that was mentioned. If you don't want nameless comments, you can always change your options so that only blogger members can comment. That way you know who everyone is.

I never sign my name to any blog I post on. Who I am doesn't matter, what I have to say does. It makes no difference to me if people agree with me or not.

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Anon 2.

That makes sense.

Thanks for dropping by,


Anonymous said...

Deomocracy Promotion Abroad?

Anyone who has ever gathered information from resources other than CNN (chicken noodle news) or FOX (F!@#ing garbage news) would know that Iraq sufferes every month - sometimes every week - losses comparable to those of the September 11, 2001 attacks inflicted on the United States. The increases in terror and chaos were widely anticipated consequences of the invasion of Iraq. (you can't make money through deplomacy if your economy is profited by the militarization of specific regions around the world - mainly Israel, but now Iraq is a fun playground for the "wisemen" of this conflict).

81% of Iraqis felt that they were being "occupied". And stated that they would prefer the rule of Sadam (the American Representative in the region, until he wanted Kuwait, and Washington said "no")

[Andrew Gowers, Philip Stephens, and James Blitz, Financial Times article on the 26th of January 2005, stating the Gallup Organization poll from 28 April, 2004]

These are successfull AMERICAN's that even "small balls - Anonymous" can't argue with.

Do you think that public opinion about the occupation has changed in Iraq since 2004?
Washington should have leared from the British invasion of Iraq in the early 1900's, and left this country alone. If Washington had never placed Sadam in power, you would see a beautiful country filled with beautiful people.

jerms said...

well said, paul

Anonymous said...

Something fundamental to christianity (the last time i checked)...haha, ok, fundamental to the teachings of Christ at least - is truth.

To believe that Afghanistan, Iraq, soon Iran, Syria....let alone Gaza and the West Bank are conflicts with equal blame, is to interpret American foreign policy incorectly and to believe in the lies which sadly many Americans believe.

Since Monroe, the idea of trashing the rest of the world to remain on the top of the food chain has been heavily previlent in American Foreign policy.

September 11, 1973 in Chile. American Coup to place a CIA rep. in the presidency. 100,000 dead (in equivelent American lives - %of Pop.), and 700,000 tortured (again as a % of population in equivelent lives)

If anything, sept 11, 2001 was a "thanks for comming out" prize. It amazes me that we can even speak with any degree of certainty as to who was responsible for 9/11, when we consider just how many people groups Washington has pissed off since the 1950's

Anonymous said...

I will be careful not to say to much but it had to mention that it made me smile when you were called onesided, ingnorant, and naive by someone who was leaving the most one sided(some facts), ignorant, and naive comment. funny. Love you john and definitely agree with your one sided, ignorant jibberish.

Anonymous said...

You asked for it. This is me. The one who started the barage of comments.

To Paul Harden, you might want to revise your 'small balls' comment. Who knew a GIRL from the US could cause such a stir.

According to your last comment, John, your view is if America (or the free world) cannot solve EVERY atrocity in the world, then they should turn a blind eye to EVERYTHING. Interesting.

It is safe for me to say that those of you defending John (and attacking me) are friends of John. I, like Anon 2, read many blogs on on a random basis, and have quite enjoyed some of the blogs that have been posted here. Not so much in this case. I don't usually post comments, but I felt the need to say my piece on this one.

Intersting how you said that without a name, my opinion is 'not worth anyone's time'. Yet the other 'Anonymous' comments don't seem to bother you. I'd like to see how you deal with someone searching for God's truth who comes on your blog and posts anonymously. I guess they are not worth anyone's time either????

So much for the dialogue John. It has turned into more an attack than dialogue.


John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Nice to meet you Beth, I mean Dani I mean Anon, I mean Anon 2. Or whoever you are.

Glad you stopped by,


Anonymous said...

she sill has small balls (i couldn't help myself)

Oh ya, and the entire world community still to this day, cannot find a connection (however slim) between Sadam and anyone else involved in international terror. Sadam, since being placed in Iraq by Washington, has had his hands full domestically.
Its funny to note that no other people group in the world (other than Americans) were afraid of Sadam, even during the Gulf war. Everyone knew that he was ill prepared for combat....haha, you stick a orange terror alert on TV and every American hides under their beds until Uncle Sam says its ok to come out again.

Anonymous said...

22 comments on a post John - I think you've made the big time!

Your un-opinionated friend,

Anonymous said...

woah, i think i should start reading comments more often; maybe even more interesting than the blog itself! -chelsey

Anonymous said...


everything has been said here that needs to be said, and much more that didn't need to be said...

i don't think it is very fair to say that what john is saying is one sided jibberish and claim that he is just buying into the media. he is frustrated. you might not like it, and that's okay. but he is frustrated like most of the world, so don't be so arrogant. can we not disagree without name calling and putting each other down.
to say that he doesn't care about lives lost is just wrong. he does care about lives lost, and that is why he is opposed to this war. i know this is a blog, and we won't solve the worlds problems here, but to so rudely call someone out like that is unnecessary. if you disagree, state your opinion. that is okay, just like john said.

blair r.