Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Crap she beat me

Crap. She beat me to the punch. I was just going to do an Anniversary post. Now you're all going to think I'm just doing this because Angie did one for me and if I didn't I'd be a bleepbity bleep jerk of a husband . I would be, but that's not the point. The point is, uh, the point. . . hmmm. the point is, corn's good isn't it? So good.

Whatever. Here's my post.

9 years ago today I saw an Angel. Growing up I was told that Angels no longer frequent the earth because the weather's too unpredictable and all that spiritual stuff ended with the apostles. Because I was young and couldn't care less I ate it up. Went through life thinking angels belonged only in cake. But then I saw one. And there was no cake.

It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. I was in a Catholic Church when I saw it which surprised me because I thought angels tried their best to steer clear of Satan. The church was beautiful though. The architecture and stain glass work was breathtaking. Apparently Satanists really have an eye for beauty, which you know, is. . . surprising. As beautiful as the Satanic church was, nothing topped my angel. She was the beautifullest, and making her way towards me!!! I'd always wondered what my reaction would be when I first saw an angel. Thinking back I remember feeling as if God has hit pause and the only one moving was the angel and me. As the angel drew near my palms got sweaty and my mouth got dry. So I licked my palms. Snicker. I remember trying my hardest not to cry because I'm a guy and its against the law. But I couldn't help myself. As the tears streamed down my face the angel moved closer. Then stopped. God hit the play button and everything resumed and judging by the reaction of the crowd they all saw what I saw. An angel among us. There was a sense of awe in the Satanic church that day. The next 27 minutes are a bit fuzzy but I do remember Scott Roberts asking if I would spend the rest of my life with this vessel of beauty. Apparently I said yes because the next thing I knew everyone was cheering and I was enjoying the perks that come with kissing an angel.

A lot has changed in 9 years.

For one, I now realize that church was not Satanic. My opinion of it was. Another change is I no longer wear suits. But the biggest change is - my eyes have gotten used to the light of my angel. My heart has become too tame. In fact, its only when I stop, step back and stare that I see. Angie glows. Radiates. Shines. Moves. Me. Once again.



Anonymous said...

Happy 9th to you too Johnny. Ang's done good putting up with you for that long!! LOL Kidding.

Love you guys!!


Tyler said...

your so cheesy. hopefully its a happy father and mother's day!!!!


Tyler said...

i know i know. i used the wrong "your." ill play on the safe side with this one. John is so cheesy.

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Don't you know? Cheesy's the new pink.

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary guys! You both are so awesome!

Jordan said...

Wow, you guys have exceeded my expectations. I gave you 5 years tops.

Just kidding... *ahem*

dave said...

happy anniversary you two hip cats.

that was the funniest post in a long time...... catholics... what a joke.

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Shauna Luedtke you found us!!
Welcome. And yes you're now on my link list. So there. Take that. Draw that. Put that in your portfolio and smoke it.

Anya said...

In a world where we often forget the beauty of romance, and tend to focus on things like divorce, and unhappiness in mairrage, I think it's beautiful that the two of you have loved one another for 9 years! Thanks for setting an example and being an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

ooooo Mr. you miss the gang? much North american love..Harlan

Steve said...

Who's the casonova now?

Congrats, ahve a good night, and I will make sure that A's parents do not read your blog......they are still

Craig,Leah,Lena said...

At least we eat vegetables, you sausage-roll-kraft-dinner-lover!!

Anonymous said...

Late happy anniversary... congrats on 9 years - geez you guys are old.

Craig,Leah,Lena said...

i posted a comment long ago for you anniversary - and i was denied!! so i'm just remembering with you guys that awesome day in the Satanic church - and still apologizing for the 'organ music' that didn't work out so well.
you guys rock! thanks for being such great friends to us!

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