Friday, July 04, 2008

Theological Implications of Global Warming

Let me start by admitting I AM NOT A SCIENTIST. I'll leave all things sciency to my father. That being said, I do wish to comment on a sciency thing today, even though I'll almost assuredly embarass myself. If you are sciency, feel free to correct my ramblings. Dad? You out there? Tim Bolton?

Global Warming.

It was revealed this morning that of all the G8 countries, Canada is second to dead last on efforts to chill out Global Warming (this last phrase further proves my lack of sciencyness) Canada, often thought of as more liberal and socialist then our southern neighbours, is now more like them then ever before. Depending on your worldview, this may be a good thing. For me, not so much. (I love Americans I just hate their sin) Because what it means is the 2 richest countries in the world are now united in doing next to nothing to care for their planet while at the same time raping it of its natural resources faster then you can say Al Gore got robbed in 04.

Global Warming

From what I understand, Global Warming is what occurs as our Globe gets warmer. I could be wrong but I'm really relying on the name here so hopefully I'll be ok. All jokes aside, many reputable scientists and one past presidential candidate strongly believe that due to our reckless use of the planet's resources, namely fossil fuels, things are literally heating up causing rapid weather changes, melting ice caps, damaged coral among other things. The negative effects can be seen most notably on the plants and animals living in these areas. Weather, Coral, Icecaps, what's the big deal? Well, for starters, the latter has as many grams of fat as a Big Mac. True Story. But secondly, entire ecosystems are said to be in danger. If you've seen An Inconvenient Truth, you'll know what I'm talking about. When the temperature of the earth changes even a degree, numerous things are effected. In the last few decades, the rate at which this temperature has increased is greater then any time in recorded history - which is why scientists and Mr. Gore are pointing the fingers at us, and our misuse of fossil fuels.

My point in this post is not to deal so much with the science of Global Warming, way beyond my expertise, but rather its theology. Yes, theology. You may not think global warming could have theological implications but apparently it does because millions of North American Christians believe Global Warming is a myth. Think about that for a second. Millions of North American Christians believe Global warming is a myth. Now this is just a guess but I'm thinking that the average NA Christian doesn't have advance degrees in science nor have they ever really researched this phenomenon - which means, like me, they don't know jack squat about global warming. Yet, yet, they claim its a myth CREATED BY AL GORE to make money. Meanwhile, ecosystems continue to disappear.

My question today is what on earth does Global Warming have to do with a person's spirituality that causes them to not believe in it? Why do they deny its reality? What threat is that reality to their faith? If you are one of those people, please, for the love of God's ecosystems, tell me how the belief in Global Warming could interfere with your relationship with God. I really want to know.

For me, its the opposite. Global Warming has everything to do with my relationship with God which is why I DO BELIEVE. In the book of Genesis, we see God giving his planet to man for one reason - to care for it. (Genesis 2:15) In the beginning the earth was a gift from God to us. Yet ever since then we have been taking that gift for granted to the point where we now knowingly inject millions of metric tons of posinious gases into the air each day and only give it a second thought when tree huggers attempt to hold us accountable. Btw - a tree hugger is anyone who loves the planet. Apparently.

Seriously though guys, this is one fact that can't be denied. We knowingly inject posion into the air each day. I think every single person would agree that this occurs. So why is there so much controvery when scientists tell us that this same poison is beginning to affect the earth in negative ways and so we should dramatically cut down on our poisioning? Shouldn't this be expected? Its like a doctor telling his smoking patient that his habit is literally killing him and the smoker responding "your diagnosis is a myth and your just trying to make money off of your research." If we heard any smoker use this arguement, we might question their sanity.

So, what it is then? Why do so many Christians live in denial? It would be highly judgemental to suggest that these conservative, republican, suv/hummer driving/ Iraq supporting / Oil lovers would be against Global Warming for personal reasons so I won't go there. So, my only guess is they think by admitting Global Warming is occuring they are somehow implying God is no longer in control of his planet. What they forget is God gave up that control the same day he created us with free will. And when we use that free will to poision our own planet spawning Global Warming, its our bad, not his. The earth is the Lord's and everything in it, says the psalmist, yet the Lord gave that earth to us. And so our misuse of it has become his lack of control?? Can we honestly be ok with this?

This is a loaded topic, one I've wanted to write on for some time but haven't, not feeling inclined to poke the hornets nest. But after reading about MY COUNTRY'S EMBARASSING second last place finish today, I couldn't contain my thoughts any longer. If I have offended you, please know that I think your great, I just disagree with your opinions on the weather. That being said, I'd love for this to turn into a conversation so please, comment away!



dave said...

Good one.

I have seen a lot of this in hundreds of churches across the US and Canada over the last two years.

However, what I've seen just as much of, that is equally disturbing, is people who acknowledge that we *are* destroying the planet, and think that is just great.

Yeah, you read that right.

People think that us burning this big motha up is bringing Jesus down from the clouds sooner.

Then he can send all the bad people who aren't good like me to hell to burn, and then the rest of us will break out some tobacco-free cigars and party like it's... 29 A.D. and there's a hot wedding feast in Cana.

I don't really know how to respond to those people, aside from "oh.."

Anybody else come across this, or anybody who can identify with that line of thinking?

xblairx said...

this is not a political issue. this is a moral issue. and yes i stole that from al gore, so you can choose to label me as liberal if you want. but i love the way john framed this topic. the theological implications. we all know, or choose to ignore, what global warming has and is doing to our planet. but as christians we often fail to remember the command God has given us to care for his planet. i believe the scriptures people use to oppose global warming are terribly twisted out of context. i would love to get into them, but i need to go to the grocery store, so i will do that later, as my baby girl is screaming and waiting for her car ride.

this post has inspired me to use cloth grocery bags. that may sound sarcastic, but i am serious. the amount of grocery bags used in north america every year is disgusting. i would encourage others to do the same. i'll be back with more on the scriptures later.

yes, dave, i have run into many with that line of thinking, and i have much the same reaction, although i did punch one guy in the head...not really, but i wanted to. let's hear it for end times theology that celebrates the destruction of our planet!!! give me a D! E! S! T!....and so on and so forth

Brian said...

I really hate this issue. Not because I don't think it is important, but because of the whole bandwagon thing.

I always felt like a bandwagon guy. When tight jeans were in, I was in them. When things went baggy I jumped on board, despite the fact that a stick man in baggy jeans looks stupid. When worship music was the all the rage, I listened all the time with my eyes closed and hands wavin'. Then it sorta died off and I find myself not listening or enjoying it anymore. Emergent comes hot on the scene and I'm reading all about it and arguing for it. Now there is a big focus on the planet and I'm right in there again.

I feel a bit fickle. Then at other times I feel like someone who is genuinly trying to figure things out.

I just don't like knowing that I am easily swayed, but whatever. Here we are talking about what seems like something important, so I jump on board.

There are other theories out there about global warming. I say that with confidence right now because some of these theories are being sent to me at school. Somehow that makes me think that the supporters of these other theories are actual scientists instead of spiritual wackjobs. But who knows. The other theory is that there are natural cycles of the sun and the planet has temperature cycles. This is why we have had warm and cool "ages" in the past. However, the majority of these "sun cycle" scientists do agree that we are spewing tons of harmful chemicals into the air (with harmful effects), but they feel this isn't the major cause of global warming (another fact that is undeniable).

Having said that... I don't care. I sometimes wish there was no Al Gore. I'm glad that he is making people think, but I think, as John said, this is bigger than science, and Al, and bandwagons, and "environmentalism: the new religion".

Speaking from a theological perspective, harmony with the created order is central to Judiasm, Christianity, Muslim, Bud... And so on.

For the past million years greed was intimately connected with the planet. If you wanted to get ahead or overporduce it meant using the earth to do so. Greed is one of the most basic evils of the theological world. It still hurts the earth and the earth's people today, but in less obvious ways.

I'll shut up now. So much more to say, but I'm feeling all bandwagonie this morning. Mostly because I just painted one wall in my kitchen green while the other walls are brown. Some kind of chic style.