Friday, February 22, 2008

Statement bytes

I thought it was funny last night when Hillary said that Obama's campaign isn't "change you can believe in, but change you can xerox." She said that because of the plagarism accusations. . . and her dip in the polls.

I was talking to a friend who compared homosexuality to pedophilia. We were talking about the rise in gay clergymen.

In 4 hours I'm leaving for our youth group's annual Fire and Ice Retreat. This year we're doing an Oscar theme except we're handing out Pez instead of solid gold statues. The Pez Awards. I'm in the middle of writing acceptance speeches that unsuspecting teens will have to read when they win awards like "fastest texter."

I made an Amazon order a few days ago and have been living under the delusion it might actually arrive this week. A few minutes ago my wife called to say "a postal truck was backing up and I think it might be your books John." She hung up to greet the postal guy and then called back to say "sorry, it was just a Valentine's parcel from my parents." Stupid insenstive selfish inlaws.

I'm excited for the Oscars Sunday. Go Daniel Day. I've only seen the trailer but based on that alone I say give him the Oscar. I predict he'll win, along with Javier Bardem, No Country, The Coen Brothers. Big fan of them all.

I've been trying all morning to sing a showtune from the muscial/movie Chicago but can't get the rhythm. It's frustrating as well as "embarassing and retarded." Thanks Ang.

Castro fianally retired from controlling Cuba. 49 years is impressive even if the guy did smoke. (and be a Dictator)

My Oilers are 11pts out with 21 games to play. The realist in me says Go Jays Go, the idealist is still hoping for a miraculous run.

The Marcus Borg article I posted sparked some good discussian. There's more where that came from so I suggest you check him out online along with John Dominic Crossan, NT Wright, Karen Armstrong and if you're really brave Sam Harris. In fact, Harris recently sat down with Rick Warren and chatted about God, Relgion and other things bad. There's a lot to learn from our critics. If we're serious, we'll take the time.

It's noon now and I really have to go write some Oscar speeches, a Friday tradition this time of year.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting Warren-Harris article. Who picked the teams? Isn't that kind of like pitting Sidney Crosby against Eric Godard in a game of keep away to decide whether the Penguins or Flames are the better team?

The best question asked of Harris was where his moral standards come from. If he answered, I missed it.

Warren had lots of useless things to say, but at least he didn't dodge the tough ones. But again, would most intelligent Christians really consider Warren one of their best debater? Get real. Not a fair fight.
