Monday, June 25, 2007

Great New Book

I just started reading this book. I just finished the first chapter and already I know its going to be one of those reads that rocks my comfy world.

Here's my favorite quote from the first chapter. "The gloating Hummer owner may preen with macho pride, unaware or simply uncaring of the fact that he drives an ecological behemoth that saunders fossil fuel resources, pollutes the environment, and make the United States more dependant than ever on foreign oil resources - contributing quite inadvertantly to the justification for Middle East military interventions he otherwise vehemently opposes."

Note: The Hummer was actually created as a vehicle for the military to be used in the deserts of the middle east. Yet. . .everyday on my way to work I pass one roaming the streets of Suburbia.

Makes you wonder a lot of things.


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