Thursday, December 07, 2006

Do I know you?

You know that wierd feeling you get when you run into someone you haven't seen since you lived on Vancouver Island 12 years ago? That was my feeling the other day when an old friend walked into Subway and my brain was saying sure looks like him, but be reasonable, he doesn't belong here. Of course I was way too chicken to say hi (stinking shyness), ignoring John and the kids' encouragements. Maddie said I will regret it forever, which may be stretching things a little bit, but I do regret it. Life is wierd. People are wierd. We put up so many walls (I'm the queen of walls, if you're wondering). I would love to be one of those people that could just bounce up and say hi, remember me? Angie Ellis? Minus the bouncing part- that could get annoying. And the umming- that's not smooth. I would like to have done it with confidance and grace, but instead I slinked off as my family mocked me. By the way, families are supposed to support and encourage, not mock.
So, I guesse I should learn my lesson, which is take chances even if you feel like an idiot.
And also don't even try to eat a foot long once you hit 30.



Jordan said...

I know what you mean about the whole slinking off thing... except that my slink would probably become a sprint as I neared the exit. There would be copious mockery.

Who was it, btw?

xblairx said...

i'll be eating foot longs will i die