Wednesday, November 08, 2006


So I'm standing outside a few minutes ago, in the sub zero temperatures with snow cascading all around me when my a voice out of nowhere says - "Quite the snow fall we're having." Now normally I'm all for chatting it up with my neighbor friend but not when I'm in my underwear imploring my dog to go poop. Luckily my underwear is not as high as my fence. Anymore.

If that isn't wierd enough I started a conversation with my neighbor, why I don't know, remember, in my underwear, but as we talked I asked the neighbor what it was that he hauled in his trailer. He has like a 30ft trailer that he leaves parked in front of my house 7 days a week and I'm always wondering what he uses it for. He said "Oh, well we haul lots of stuff. For instance right now I'm hauling a air filtration system to be used in a Marajuana Grow Op."

The punchline never did come.

My neighbor just wished me a good night then strolled back across the street and the next thing I knew I was still outside, in my briefs, wondering what just happened.

At least Hugo pooped.



Nic said...

not much better than underpants, marijuana and dog poop.

Craig,Leah,Lena said...

u r stinkin' hilarious! that one got a laugh-out-loud! miss you guys. hope to see you in a couple of weeks on our way through.