Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hugo and Harley

We're dog-sitting Hugo's freind, Harley. He's the sweetest guy- kind of reminds me of Eeyore. Total opposite of Hugo. Hugo's sweet when he's sleepy, which means we have guaranteed quiet time starting at about 8:00 every evening. Other than that he's insanely trying to destroy everything we've ever owned. Right now he's eating a styrofoam cup. We don't own styrofoam cups. He's torn open a bag of flour and doused himself and the kitchen in it- twice. I would love to show you a picture of his floury face, but he ate the camera cord. Seriously. He's chewed apart barbies, dvd cases, a chair leg, shoes, baseboarcds, curtains, perennials and various articles of clothing. On my way over to the computer just now I stepped in another puddle- we have never loved laminate more! For some reason he loves using the kids carpeted bedrooms as his own private outhouse, so the new rule is: if you leave your bedroom door open, you clean it up. Which we all know is translated as: you "clean it up" as an important life lesson, and afterwards good old mom (that's me) will come in and really clean it up. It's all OK, though, because he really is cute. I won't say I can't even get mad at him, because yeah, I really can. But then he looks at you and you feel like you should rip open the flour for him and join him on his mission of mass destruction. He is fun, too. He loves to wrestle, play fetch, chase the kids (although, they're not always laughing). He's proud of his new sit trick. Oh wait, we're proud. He likes the treat. He's a crazy fun guy, and I'm totally thrilled he starts obedience classes tomorrow, cause holy cow. Holy cow.

Oh- and something cute, as much as Hugo gets on Harley's nerves, they now snuggle when they sleep. I'd show you a picture, but....



Anonymous said...

What a good reminder....thanks!

Anonymous said...

ha, that is sweet.

"He's chewed apart barbies, dvd cases, etc..."

when i read that part, i thought you wrote he chewed apart babies...just thought i'd share that with you.

p.s.-i know how you feel. hudson has so far wrecked our new couch, 2 double mattresses, one single mattress, a hide-a-bed mattress, my feather pillow that i've owned and loved for 4 years, melissa's shoes, my shoes, our armchair, many tablecloths, and countless other little things. so i know how you feel. some days, i would like to ring his neck, but at night time, when my 80 pound dog crawls into our bed and sleeps on my chest(at least til i can't breathe anymore), it makes it all worth it...