Saturday, August 12, 2006

Hugo's For Real

So, we got a dog now. A Hugo dog.

He's about the cutest little guy I've ever seen and whoa he just decided to join me for this little post, hey buddy, no Hugo, daddy's keyboard - "cat die". No Hugo. No type. Whoops sorry. Crate time.

And. . .I'm back. Its wierd having a dog. A little frightening even. Its much easier having a dog. . .in your mind. . .its similar to kids that way - but then you actually get them and you realize that these things are for real and will. . . in. . .fact. . .die. . .if I screw up holy smokes what have I gotten myself into AHHHHHHHH! Am I prepared? Yeah, I guess. I mean Angie read the entire volume of "Golden Retriever's for Dummies" to me as we drove the 2800km to BC and back so I guess that counts for something. Have I ever had a dog? Next question. Fine. I had a dog for 2 months and change a lifetime ago and it was great, the guy actually urinated all over the place anytime I entered the scene -which was you know, disgusting but terrific for my self esteem. I sometimes wish Angie would also. . .anyways Max was great but we lived across the street from the local Nazi death camp aka Junior High and every day on the way home from school the rotten little bleeps would tease and taunt poor Max leaving him psychologically damaged. The story ends the day Max out smarted his chain and had old lady calf for supper. My dad had him put down the next day. Said he had become too mean. I thought it was the other way around. Very sad day. Looking back my dad wasn't being mean, I had simply failed to train him. My dog, not my dad. Tee hee.

So, I guess that experience made me a tad dog shy for . . 17 years. . . but alas the love of dog in this house is just too strong. The time had come.

Day 1 is just ending. Hugo is coming along very well. He loves to chase the kids (yes including me) and actually follows when we say "Hugo come." Very cool. Oh yeah, the genius also lets us know when he has to drop a D or P by doing just that. So glad we went for the laminate. We're trying to "inspire" him to do his business outside. He's learnin. Tonight should be interesting. I'm sure his whimpering will make it a long one though. Oh well. I only have 70 pages left in The Alchemist so maybe it'll work out fine.

The truth is I love the guy. I hope he grows up to be just like. . . Air Bud.



Travis, Alicia, Ceara and Calen Sass said...

Just saw a pic of your cats, we have one that looks exactly like it. We also have another cat too but she is black and brown. I wanted to get a dog as well but we of course live in a small apartment and Travis won't let me since we already have two cats and a kid on the way. Oh well, maybe like you Travis will one day let me get a dog. By the way your dog is really cute, have fun trying to train it to do it's business outside. Alicia Sass

Steve said...

Welcome to the world of dog owners guys!!


xblairx said...

hey john, i remember that feeling to. i was so excited, and then when we got hudson home, i was like 'holy smokes, this guy means business!' it gets easier eventually. just one word of advice. start with a kennel right from the start if you leave him home alone, otherwise your couches will pay the ultimate sacrifice. trust me obewan, i know.

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Thanks Blair. The kennel idea is one thing we managed to get right. It is great! Hugo slept quite a bit better last night, which means so did we. The crapping is getting better too which means he is crapping about 2x a day outside and 1 time inside:)

Steve said...

Good luck with Hugo. I hope you have a fully fenced yard. You should bring him over to play with Max and Buster soon........

Welcome back to the promised land, home of the Calgary Flames.I know you missed them....and me.......

Kamara said...

Hi John. Did you know I have a dog? I do. His name is Harvey and I got him in April and it was both the dumbest and smartest thing I've ever done.

He's about 75% house trained right now, and he knows "sit", but only does it if you have a cookie in your hand. He knows when you don't, and he knows when you're just pretending to hold a cookie.

He's also a weiner dog, and sometimes I laugh just looking at him.

Ok, that's it. Thanks for your comments on my blog - I didn't realise that many people read it.

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Kamara, great to hear from you. I found you on My space and have been reading your things but I never commented because I was too lazy to sign up. Anyways, keep writing. You make me chuckle.

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