Thursday, August 24, 2006

fun night out

Things that I had never experienced until yesterday: running out of gas in the middle of a very busy intersection after being totally lost and late for a coffee date with some friends. Trying to push my van with the help of my friend Suneetha from said intersection in the pouring rain amidst honking and near death by collision. Laughing and crying at the same time (that's what I do in embarrassing and awkward situations- which makes it way less embarrassing and awkward) while apologizing to Suneetha, who really just needed a fun night out. Being rescued by two Sikhs and a really tough, take charge woman who knew exactly what to do when pushing a mini van off the road. Walking 10 minutes in rain storm to the gas station, only to discover I forgot my wallet in the van that I neglected to lock (still laughing like a fool, but thankfully done with the crying). Giving John the you know what (actually, that's nothing new, but the circumstances are) for leaving me with an empty gas tank. Learning the value of John's last words, "See ya! You might want to take the gas can thing!" and the folly in ignoring those words to prove some kind of "I'll show you not to leave me on E again" point. And the gem of all lessons- it never pays to choose not to fix your gas gage. Last, but not least- realizing that sitting in a coffee shop is secondary to rainy adventures when it comes to fun nights out.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like an awesome night out to me. Talk about adventure. I'm sure it will be an evening that you & Suneetha remember for a long time and one you can look back on and laugh about!!


chelsey said...

the whole time i read this i was picturing it being john. but something made me think it might've been ang. ... who will fess up?

John, Angie and the kiddos said...



John, Angie and the kiddos said...

I would love to see John laughing and crying at the same time though!

Anonymous said...


You really need to get in touch with your Uncle Bert. I have been with him on two occasions when he coasted up to the gas pumps on an MT gas tank. Perhaps he'll let you in on the secret. It seems a much better alternative to your own way of dealing with MT gas tank.