Saturday, July 22, 2006

no John

Yeah, so John's gone for a week. I would like to say "while the cat is away......", but that would be a fairly inaccurate representation of the kind of girl that I am. Really the only plus to single momming it for 7 days is that I will likely not be watching movies about a man that looks like a Ken doll and also saves the world, all the while being tough and charming and spouting witty one liners. SPOILER: in the end he gets the girl. I can do without that. But it's the going to bed alone thing that's the real kicker. Everything's dark and quiet and a little bit spooky. Plus, I can only handle so many evenings of Gilmore Girls by myself, as I'm pretty much house bound after 7:00pm. It's also handy to have John around for things like, say...catching mice. Our usually sweet cat decided to bring me a gift this morning. And by gift I mean half dead mouse. He brought it into the entry way and I stood there helpless and screaming (in an I've got it together, independant woman sort of way) until he sadly turned around and took it back outside. Thanks for the excitement, Rusty. Ignore me as I clean up tiny intestines off my floor. I am relieved to say that the kids are light years ahead of me in the bravery department. "So, Mom, why did you scream? We thought there was a bad guy or something." "Can we tell Dad about the screaming?(snicker)" Tomorrow we get to meet our puppy, so I'm thinking that'll be a more positive and productive kind of excitement. We've been wanting a dog for eons, so we're just counting down the days! We're hoping for less carcass-type presents and more playing fetch. We'll see.


chelsey said...

ahhh, camp. pete is just getting back today so i know all about the whole going to bed alone thing. somehow it's safer with that someone else there. i want a dog too! what kind are you getting? congrats on the new pup.

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Hugo, our Golden Retriever comes home on the 12th of August. We can't wait! We've wanted a dog since we got married 9 years ago, so we're a wee bit out of control. It's so fun- hope you can do it some day soon if you're wanting a dog as well!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Ang, I would've screamed too!! LOL
p.s: that's why we have dogs!!! LOL

Jordan said...

Hugo? Victor Hugo? Hugo Weaving? Hugo Chavez? Hugo the Hunchback?

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Victor Hugo, of course. Could you have a more noble name?

Jordan said...

Hehe... I like it. :-)