Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My Friend Tyler

So I have this buddy named Tyler, otherwise known as Ty or "t." We play soccer together, we do ministry together, heck we even promote Fair Trade together. But we don't blog. . . together. He says he has nothing to say. Says he doesn't write good. Well Tyler. You don't write well.

Anyways, he'd like to believe he doesn't belong in Blog land but I know for a fact he spends time there every day. He reads, he comments but doesn't play. Doesn't stay. Doesn't blog his way. Seems to me we got a blog groupie on our hands. Ty, I say its time you got in the game. No more groupiness. It's frowned upon in Blog land. Its time you started your own blog. Cmon man, we can call it "go2thefriendofjohn." It'll be great.



Anonymous said...

it's very honouring that you took some time out of your day to blog about little ol' me. I know that you could be off ministering, enriching and inspiring the young teens of our church, but no, you choose to spend time blogging about your buddy 't.' Also, shouldn't you be preparing a sermon or something. I thought ministers have a lot of 'work' to do. I guess not.

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

One word: Sermon.com

"Making todays ministers tommorows slackers."

In other news:


That's what I'm talking about!!!


Anonymous said...

Come on!! If you can't beat 'em (and you know John won't let this die, so you won't beat him!!), join 'em.

Fellow blogger (but not on this site!!)

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