Wednesday, July 26, 2006

chic sheep

I somehow got roped into taking a consumer survey that ate up a good chunk of my lifetime in a mind- numbingly boring sort of way (Have you read a magazine in the past 6 months? How many times? Which ones? What is the average time spent reading each magazine? Have you consumed pasta in the last 6 months.....AAGGHH! How do I know!) Anyway, one thing that did capture my attention was how easily played we are by advertising. Some of the questions were on a scale of 1- 10. How important is it that I out-do and impress my neighbours with my possessions (you mean our second hand, fake wood, wal-mart and whatever's on clearance at Ikea furniture? We try to be humble, but I can't help it if people are jealous.) How important it is that people admire the things I own? Do I feel more confidant when wearing new clothes and is it essential they are brand name? Does it influence my purchase if marketed by a celebrity? Does my confidence tie directly in to the things I own? Do I reward myself with purchases? I felt embarrassed for the masses and also for myself. I'm not a stylish gal, but I don't want to be unstylish or frumpy, either (except for right now. I'm wearing mismatched pjs and my hair is in nest mode, but I'm just sayin- usually). And I enjoy putting some time, effort and $ into our home. Where's the balance between taking care of your things and your appearance vs being a consumer sheep, spending where you're told to spend on what you're told is "in". I mean, who's the ultimate decider on what's fashionable, anyway? And what's the point if it's all just to be viewed in a certain way- where's the integrity in that? In protest, I'm going to wear something totally out of fashion today- bring out the high waisted jeans and tucked in turtle neck with matching socks! And throw in some loafers for good measure! Actually, I don't own those things- shoot. Maybe I'll just go out with nest hair. Maybe.
Or not.
At least I got $25 for doing the survey- that's cool.


Jordan said...

Ang, have you & John ever considered writing a magazine column? Seriously, you guys are putting up some quality (i.e., entertaining, witty, etc.) stuff here! You could have like a generation-X-social-critic column in a liberal Christian magazine or something. Another option: Write a book! In fact, I hereby double-dog dare you to write a book, so now you pretty much have no choice. ;-)

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

well, I have heard the market is really hot right now for the ramblings of a minister and his housewife........
It is nice to have good review from the toughest critic, though.
But then there's the incident of the double dog dare- how to live that down.
Thanks alot, Gilligan.

Jordan said...

Bear in mind that I'm willing and able to bust out a triple-dog-dare if necessary... You have been warned.

Anonymous said...

Angie & John-

You guys are such a refreshing delight! I've been reading your blog for about 2 weeks now, and you always bring a smile to my face. Angie, seriously, three cheers for your protest of media-driven people-pleasing. I'll leave my hair in "nest" mode for the rest of the day in support. (Although, seeing as it's nearly 3:30, the odds were fairly good of that happening anyway - but at least now it's for an identified cause). I'm sure you'll be glad to have John home soon. Thanks for blogging.


Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » »